Forgiveness (2)

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When Raine opens up her eyes, she knew that she transmigrated a little too late to rewrite Willow’s story.  It was moving day and the moving company would be there soon.

Moving to the bathroom, she looks into the mirror and she could see that Willow had been crying the whole night.  Her eyes were puffy and red.

“Foolish girl.”  Raine said to herself in the mirror as if she was talking to Willow.  

Raine took a hot shower and quickly dressed.  By the time she finished breakfast, the movers arrived and began moving her belongings.  Raine packed the rest of her belongings and went over her new address information before closing the door behind her.  

Instead of driving to her new home, Raine decided to fly.  She sold her car to a dealership and took a taxi to the airport.  After checking in her luggage, she went up to a payphone and called her sister.  

In this world, there was no computers, cellphones, or internet yet.  Everything was still analog. After a couple rings, Gage picks up the phone.

“Hello?”  Gage answered.  

“Don’t hang up the phone.”  Raine said. “I know I’ve been a really shitty person to Rhea, but can you give the phone to her?  There’s something that I want to say to her.”

Gage waited for a moment before handing the phone to Rhea.  

“Who is it?”  Rhea asked Gage.  

“You’re shitty sister.”  Gage told her.

“Hello?”  Rhea immediately answered as she hit her boyfriend before covering up the phone to whisper to him.  “Don’t call my sister shitty.”


“I’m here.  I’m here.” Rhea said as she turned her attention back to Willow.  

“I just wanted to say I’m sorry, for everything.  I’ve been acting like a brat and treated you unfairly over the past couple of months.  You didn’t deserve it, I’m truly sorry.”

“Oh, honey, I…”  

“Please let me speak, I don’t have much time.”  

“What do you mean?”  Rhea asked in a worried manner.  

“Please just let me speak.”  Willow asked. “Right now I’m at the airport.  I think it’s best if I leave.”

“Willow, no….”  

“I haven’t been fair to you and have treated you horribly, because of my broken heart.  And that’s not fair to you and to me. I’ve decided that moving away is the best course of action, so I can heal my spirit and my heart.”  

“Willow, you don’t have to….”  

“Even though we just found each other, I messed up our first meeting so badly that right now, I can’t face you without feeling embarrassed.  Although we may be miles apart, I want you to know that I’m glad we found each other again and that you’re my sister. I’ll keep in contact with you and let you know that I’m doing well, so the next time we meet, I can meet you with my head held up high.”  

“Willow.”  Rhea called out softly as she cried.  

“What has that shitty sister said to you to make you cry!”  Gage shouted in the background.

“Make sure to take care of yourself, and tell Gage that if breaks your heart, I’ll break his dick.”   Willow told her.

“Haha.”  Rhea suddenly laughed through her tears.  

“Me leaving is for the best.  Once I’m over Blaine and find my way in life, we’ll meet again, I promise.”  

“Okay, I’ll hold on to your promise.  You take care of yourself and keep in contact.”  Rhea told her.

“I’ll write and call to you often.”  Willow confirmed. “I gotta go, they just called my flight number.”  


“Before we hang up, can you do me a favor, Rhea?”  

“Sure, Willow, what is it?”  

“Don’t tell Blaine anything about me.  I don’t want him to know anything.”

“Sure, darling.  I’ll do what you ask.”  

“No matter how much he begs you for information.  Don’t tell him.”

“I promise, Willow.”  

“Good.  I’ll call you when I’m fully moved in.”  

“Okay.  Bye.”


Raine hung up the phone and got on the plane.  Right now Willow had just turned 18 years old. She still had her whole life in front of her.  To let a man come between her and her sister was foolish. But at least Willow wasn’t so foolish to realize her mistake and decide to take her own life in her hands and move on.  It was her fate that ended early, so Raine could only continue on with her life.

Avoiding the tragedy, Raine arrived to her new home a week before her belongings arrived.  Raine registered herself to a new college and transferred her credits over. After registering to new classes and changing her major, Raine began her college life.  

Raine made sure to call Rhea at least once a week, while writing to her once a month.  She would send Rhea mystery packages on occasion, filled with new and interesting things she found.  For Rhea’s birthdays, Raine would sing her happy birthday over the phone and send her ridiculous gifts, such as a marching band, a acapella group, or a choir to surprise her at her birthday dinner.  Raine would also gift Rhea handmade clothes that she designed, causing Rhea to appreciate Willow even more.

As the years pass, Willow graduated from college, but no one attended.  Her excuse not to let Rhea attend her graduation, was that she wasn’t even going to attend her own graduation ceremony.  She had an interview to go to.

What Raine kept a secret from Rhea was that Willow had already become a well known artist, Luna Willow.  Her paintings and installations were widely popular and she already had several showings all across the country and the world.  

“Promise me that we’ll meet soon.”  Rhea asked as they spoke on their weekly phone call, on Sunday nights.  

“I’ll be busy this whole year, but I can make time next year.”  Willow tells her as she looked over her schedule. “I’ll pencil you in right now, meet up with Rhea.  June 16 -25.”

“Wow!  Nine whole days with my sister!  I feel so honored knowing that you gave me so much time in your busy life.”  Rhea said as she smiled. “Don’t back out now.”

“I won’t.  I’ve already reserved our second meeting, why would I back out?”  

“Good.  I can’t wait to see you.”  Rhea told her. “Every time we speak, I’m so glad we’re sisters.  But the moment we hang up, I feel like I’ve lost my best friend. I look forward to your letters and your mysterious gifts.  And every birthday I think, “what will my amazing sister send to me this time?” I miss you Willow and I’m sorry you had to go through so much heartbreak alone.  I’m sorry I couldn’t be a better big sister to you, but I’m glad we’re still talking to each other. I’ll wait patiently to see you again, even though it won’t be until next year.  It would be worth it.”

“Thank you, Rhea.”  Willow suddenly began to cry.  “I’ll speak to you soon. Bye.”  


Raine hung up the phone and buried herself in bed.  Tears fell and wouldn’t stop even though she tried.

The Lazy Life Of Raine Where stories live. Discover now