Broken Home (14)

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When Violet and York came back to the city, they didn’t go back to Violet’s hotel, instead York brought her back to the Tate Estate.  Outside of the front door was Lizzie and Tyler, holding each other’s hand. A worried look could be seen of their features as the SUV stopped in front of them.  

“You going in?”  York asked as he looked at Violet.  

Violet had fallen asleep on their way back and had just woken up.  He could see the displeasure in her eyes as she finally recognized where he took her.  

“Or are you going to force me to carry you in?” York threatened her as she ignored him.  

Violet finally opened the SUV’s door when York reached over to grab her.

“Going.”  Violet said unhappily.  “Going. I’ll go by myself.”  

The door was opened by one of his men and she got out.  York quickly went around to meet her half way and took her hand to lead her.  He wasn’t taking any chances of her running away.

“I’m so glad you’re safe!”  Lizzie cried out as she wiped her eyes.  

Why are you crying?  Raine thought as she looked over at Lizzie.  You’re not the one who got kidnapped and killed people.

“Violet!”  Tyler said gruffly when he saw Violet staring at Lizzie rudely.  

Violet looked over at Tyler and he quickly checked over he body to make sure she was okay before turning around and entered the house.  

“Come.”  Lizzie said as she smiled.  “You guys must not have eaten anything.  I have dinner still warming on the stove.  I made your favorite food.”

York practically dragged Violet inside after Lizzie and they made their way to the dinner table.  The servants had already set the dinner table and Tyler sat at the head of the table waiting for everyone.  

“Come. Sit.”  Lizzie said as she pointed at Violet’s seat, that was next to Tyler’s right side.  

York brought Violet to her seat and made her sit down before sitting diagonally across from her, next to his mother, who sat next to Tyler, on his left side.  

Dinner was served and Violet siently ate.  The food that Lizzie made where Violet’s favorite and they did taste good.  However, she didn’t have an appetite.

“How’s the food Violet?”  Lizzie asked with a worried face.  “If it’s not to your liking, we can have the chef make something else.”  

“It’s fine.  I’m just not that hungry.”  Violet told her.

“Eat up, you ungrateful girl!”  Tyler shouted. “Lizzie cooked all this food for you!  The least you could do is be grateful and eat it!”

“Tyler!”  Both Lizzie and York shouted at the same time.  

Violet’s hands were frozen the whole time.  Her head bent down and she dropped the spoon and fork to the side. Everyone watched as Violet gathered herself, before she looked up.  She grabbed her glass of water and took a sip from it.  

She moved and acted as if she wasn’t bothered by Tyler’s words.  The rest of them looked to each other and slightly relaxed, however they were tense.  The silence in the dining room was suffocating.

“Vi--” Tyler began to say, after he had a moment to control himself.  His outburst towards Violet was a habit he couldn’t help himself to control.  

“What have I ever done to you, to make you hate me so much?”  Violet finally said, cutting him off completely from speaking.  Her question made him speechless.

“I know, that I was born as a means to an end.  It was out of contractual obligations to the Brown family to have an heir to the company.  I was an innocent, that was placed between you and mom. All my life, you were never there for me.  You completely ignored me, just the way you ignored my mother. And when I was young and foolish, the only way I could get your attention was to act up and argue with you, so you could stay by my side.  Even if it was only 5 minutes, I had 5 minutes of your time.”

Tears began to fall down Lizzie’s face as York hugged her.  

“I slowly gave up on the hope that you’ll recognize me as your daughter and start treating me like a human being.  When I held mother’s lifeless body, do you know what I was thinking?”

“What??” Tyler whispered.

“I didn’t cry for her because I was sad that she died or that it was me who found her.  I cried tears of happiness because she was finally at peace. Do you know how detrimental it is to a child to constantly see her parents fighting.  Her father absent and her mother constantly crying and throwing fits of anger? I maybe a horrible person for saying this, but when she died, I was free from her as well.  You were never there, so you wouldn’t of understand what she put me through… what I had to deal with as a child…”

Violet looked at the glass of water that she held in her hand and her horrible memories resurface.

“It was then I realized that there would be nothing I could do or say, to make you acknowledge me as your daughter so I could only give you the one thing, my mother would never give you.  I gave you, your freedom, because I no longer wanted your acknowledgement as your daughter, I no longer hoped for your time or attention. I no longer needed your parental guidance. How could I lose something that was never given to me?  How could I feel sad, happy, angry, or anything else when my existence was never wanted to begin with?”

“When I gave you your freedom, I was also setting myself free.”  Violet confessed. “Since you found yourself a new wife and child to replace my mom and me, I could begin my new life without regret.  You were never there for me, so I knew I could never rely on you. I learn and did everything myself. Made something of myself. And I knew, my success and my happiness has nothing to do with you…. after all these years, I would at least think that you would have matured with the perfect family by your side, that you would at least, at the VERY least, know how to DECENTLY speak to someone.  But you proved me wrong again and again. I shouldn’t of place my hope into you that the years apart would make the heart grow fonder.”

“The only reason why I wished you well and still had the smallest of hope for you over the years… was because at the end of the day, you are still my father and I, your daughter.  We still share the same blood, no matter how much you never wanted me. Or how much you hated me. Or how much, you yell at me. Or how much you wanted to be free from me.  That’s why, now if you still want to yell and shout at me, demean me in front of others. It doesn’t matter to me anymore. What little hope I still held tightly to myself for you is gone.”   

“Wait, Violet… don’t say things you don’t mean.”  Lizzie quickly said.

“I wouldn’t of said it, if I didn’t mean it.”  Violet told them. “Lets make things completely clear tonight. Your Will, this house, Tate Inc. anything from you, I don’t want it.  I don’t want any of it. Give it all to York or give it to charity. My needs were never your concern when I was growing up so don’t worry about me now.  I have always taken care of myself and have done perfectly fine.”

“Then what about today, huh?”  Tyler asked. “York and I had to get our men to save you.”  

“Save me?”  Violet laughed.  “Hahaha. Save me?  Who saved me? I saved myself!”  

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