After thinking for a while General Shen sighed loudly before making a decision.
"From this day forward, Li Na no longer exists. Only Linqin."
"This servant, Linqin, obeys." Raine repeated General Shen's orders and bowed to him.
"Good. Good." General Shen said twice as he smiled down at her. "You will serve this General. Keep my tent clean, bring me food and pour my wine. As for the washing of my clothes and sheets, that is to be given to others to do."
"Yes, General, Linqin will do as you say."
"Go find Jie near the kitchens, he can help you clean up, and get something else to wear. Once you're done, you can come back and clean."
Raine bowed and exited the tent. She made her way to the kitchens and found Jie. He already knew who she was and found her a private place to wash up. The clothes that were provided for her was clean and seemed to be in better quality that the other servants.
Raine soaked in the warm water and smiled. General Shen changing her name means he was trying to protect her. By changing her name and giving her a position next to him, means that he's protecting her identity and her reputation.
And her job was to keep his tent clean, bring him food, and pour his wine. Considering her status, she had the easiest job. But why was he helping her out? Was it because of her Father or her Grandfather? Was General Shen doing this out of the kindness of his heart, or was it some kind of an obligation as if he was honor bound to do so?
After a good wash, Raine got dressed and along with her clothes was a tassel to hang around her belt. Jie stood waiting to the side and walked her to the kitchen, showing her around before letting her eat a small meal before bringing General Shen's meal to him.
Raine did was she was ordered to do and brought the General's meal to him. The guards who stood outside his tent didn't stop her as she came closer. She placed his food on the side table and poured a cup of wine for him.
General Shen kept looking over the maps and didn't even look up to greet her when she entered. Raine then took a small dish and took a piece of every dish she placed on the table, tasting it before nodding her head. She also poured a small cup of wine for herself before nodding.
When she looked up, she saw General Shen's eyebrows squinting at her actions.
"Just in case it's poisoned." She told him as she bowed.
"You think my soldiers will actually poison me?" He asked.
"Soldiers don't work in the kitchen." She told him.
General Shen hesitated for a moment before hitting his work table and laughed out loud.
"Linqin, your mind does work in mysterious ways to think such a thing. Very well. I'll do as you say, since you're in charge of my well being."
"Please, General. It's time to eat. Everything is prepared for you."
General Shen got up and came to the side table to eat. Linqin stood to the side as he ate, but her eyes looked around the spacious tent. She saw several instruments hidden in the corner of the tent and wondered who they belonged to.
"What are you thinking about Linqin?" General Shen asked.
"Those instruments." Linqin answered. "Do you play?"
"I'm not very well, but I like to listen to music. Do you play?"
"I do." She answered. "May this servant, Linqin, play the zither for you to enjoy?"
"If it pleases you, go ahead."
Linqin walks to the corner of the tent and takes the zither out and wiped the dust off with her hand. She sits down on the rug and places the zither on her crossed legs and begins to play. The song she chose was a famous song for being intricate and lively. As she played, she did not realize how General Shen stopped eating to watch her play.
Her level of talent could be compared to Masters, how unfortunate that her family was set up and found guilty of treason. Had it not been for the unfortunate event, the young woman in front of him could have been his daughter-in-law.
General Shen blinked his tears away and thought back to the days of his youth that he spent with his sworn brother. They might not have been blood brothers, but they became sworn brothers after a night of drinking and playing. As the moon for their witness, they swore to always protect each other and later in life, when they had children, they promised to tie their families together.
Too bad Grandfather Li died before they could marry Li Na into his family. If Li Na did get married to his son, she would be considered his, Shen family, and she could have avoided this fate. But fate was too cruel to Li Na and the Li Clan. For now, this is all he could do to help her. Later, he will send her to his Shen Estate to live there.
Once her song stopped, General Shen placed his wine down and clapped. Outside of his tent, soldiers had gathered and stopped to listen to the song, they too clapped once the song stopped, surprising Linqin and General Shen.
"Linqin! You are very talented! What else are you good at?"
"Does General like to drink tea?" She asked.
"I do!"
"Linqin knows how to brew tea very well!" She told him. "This servant also knows how to read, write, play chess and paint."
"Ah, so all those talent have gone to waste." General Shen sighed as he looked down to his cup of wine. He had warned his sworn brother of the Empress's scheme, but he was just a step too late to save them. He could only try to save the daughters, but only one was able to be brought to him.
"Talent is not wasted on those who share it." She told him as she began to play another song. This time the song was calming and gentle.
General Shen could only smile bitterly and nod his head. This gentle, talented girl could have been part of his family. His son would have like her and gotten along with her. Now, they could never be husband and wife. If his son does insist on marrying Linqin, Linqin could only hope to be a concubine in his home. Her status no longer matched his son's.

The Lazy Life Of Raine
FantasyRaine Marcella was tired. Tired from working several part time jobs to support her family, while taking care of her sick grandmother. Tired of not living for herself, but for others. Tired of taking care of everyone else. Tired of being taken ad...