Forgiveness (4)

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A year later Willow stands outside of the art gallery.  Her paintings and installations were being shown and she came two days before her opening to check if each piece of artwork was correctly hung up and installed.  

Willow walked around the gallery and fixed certain installations and rearranged the paintings and by the end of the day, everything was perfect.  

Willow was driven to her penthouse by her driver as her two assistants went over her schedule for the next couple of days.  Her grand opening would have over 100 people attending, a red carpet, media, catering, and a dj.

“Make sure my sister and her friends are well taken care of.”  Willow told them.

“Of course, I’ve been in contact with Ms. Rhea and she said that she’ll be ready for the car to pick her and her friends up at 5 PM.”  

“Good.”  Willow told them.  “After I’m dropped off, the two of you should take the night off.  I won’t need anything until tomorrow evening, for our last meeting before the opening.”  

“Thank you.”  

Willow was dropped off at her penthouse and Raine immediately went to sleep.  She slept for 12 hours, not moving a single inch until Scam woke her up.

[It’s time to wake up, sleepy head.]  

“I have to sleep when I can.  Don’t know when the next time I’ll get a chance to indulge myself after this mission.”  

Scam smiled at her gently before leaving the room.  They had made plans to secretly attack Headquarters while gaining more power.  After today’s mission, they won’t know when the next time they would be able to live a lazy life.  

On the grand opening, Rhea, Gage and Blaine were picked up at Rhea’s home.  Although she didn’t want Blaine to attend and mess up her second meeting with her sister, Gage and Blaine insisted that he come.  

It had been 5 years since the last time they saw Willow.  5 years since she left without a word and only spoke to Rhea.  They had seen the great gifts she sent to Rhea, her commitment to keep in contact with her sister and how much Willow has matured over the years.  

Blaine wanted to see Willow to apologize.  Although he didn’t know that Willow was Rhea’s sister when he first met Willow, it was his fault that he separated the two long lost sisters when they just found each other again.  His mistake caused his best friend to be hurt and he couldn’t forgive himself.

He saw how happy Rhea was every time she spoke to Willow and the surprise gifts Willow sent.  He wished he could share Rhea’s happiness, but Rhea always cut short her conversations and her actions once he entered the room.  Willow’s name was never uttered in his presence, which made him feel left out.

But it was what he deserved.  He only found Willow attractive because she looked like Rhea.  He only dated her because he wanted to know how it felt like to date Rhea.  When he realized what he did wrong, he broke it off with Willow, causing her to not understand the reason why, until Willow and Rhea found each other again.  That was when Willow understood everything.

Even afterwards, Willow pleaded for them to be together, that she would change herself to become like Rhea.  But that wasn’t fair to Willow, to him, and to Rhea. He could only keep denying her because she was after all, Rhea’s little sister.  He couldn’t hurt them more than he already has.

Now five years later, Willow is back in their lives.  Finally willing to meet Rhea again. And the place she chose to meet them is at a fancy art gallery opening.  

“How did Willow even get tickets to the opening to this event?!?”  Gage asked as he fixed his suit.

“I don’t know.”  Rhea shook her head from side to side.  

“And how does she have enough money to pick us up in this Limousine?”  Gage asked again as he touched the leather seats and reached over to the mini bar to pop open the champagne.  

“I think she must be holding a lot of information from you.”  Blaine told Rhea as he took a glass of champagne from Gage.

“Cheers.”  Gage said as he made a toast.  “To the shitty little missing sister who is now a matured, amazing, mysterious little sister.  May she continue on spoiling Rhea with her wacky birthday gifts.”

Rhea hits Gage on the shoulder before she drank the champagne.  

“It doesn’t matter if she keeps somethings secret.  I don’t tell her everything either.” Rhea told them.  “As long as she’s happy and healthy.”

As they arrived to the event, the limo stopped and was opened to them.  They were ushered down the red carpet and had their pictures taken before they entered the art gallery.  

“Do you see her?”  Rhea asked as she looked around.

The gallery was filled with men and women, but none of them was Willow.  

“Excuse me, Ms. Rhea Kinley.”  A blonde hair woman with blue eyes stepped right up to the three of them.  

“Yes, that’s me.”  

“Hello, I’m so glad you made it.  We spoke on the phone, I’m Sable, Willow’s assistant.”  

“Willow has an assistant?”  Gage whispered, but Sable gave them a warm smile.  

“Willow will be out in a moment, please enjoy yourselves first.  There are waiters carrying around refreshments and there is also an open bar to the left of the entrance.  Should you need anything, I’ll be here the whole time.”

“Thank you, Sable.”  Rhea said as she suddenly felt overwhelmed.  This was usually not the society circle she involved herself in.  Rhea was an ordinary school teacher, while Gage worked in a startup company specializing in computer technology.  Blaine owns a real estate company, and would be the most exposed to these events.

The three of them walked around each painting and stood to look at it while discussing it.  They went through the art installations and found them beautiful and fun. After an hour the lights dimmed down at at the back of the art gallery, where most of everyone was, a single light shined down on the door.  

“Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention.”  Sable said as she quieted down the audience. “It brings me great pleasure to introduce to you the woman of the hour.  The one and only, Luna Willow.”

The Lazy Life Of Raine Where stories live. Discover now