Darkness (6)

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The two of them waited until the dimension opened up and left right at the last moment when the dimension was going to close.  By the time they were on the other side, the group of Elves waiting for their loved ones were gone.

Upon hearing that only 20 elves were left out of the 200, the Wooden Elves mourned the deaths of their young ones and called a meeting to hear what happened in the second dimension.  

Raine followed Isao through the woods and left the Anselhall Forest.  They made their way towards the River Elves and was immediately stopped.  

“Halt!”  A River Elf shouted to them as he held his bow and arrow aimed at them.  “State your reason as to why a Wooden Elf and a Dark Elf are on our land?”

Raine and Isao kept quiet, waiting to see what the River Elf’s intention was.  

“If you need help, Wooden Elf, speak now and we shall lend a hand to help you escape from your captor.”  The River Elf said.

Isao’s hand possessively wrapped around her waist and brought Raine closer to him.  

“Thank you for your good intentions, however I am with the Dark Elf by my own choice.  The only thing the Dark Elf has captured, is my heart, which I willingly gave to him.” Raine told them.  

“Do you know what will happen to you if you follow this Dark Elf?”  The River Elf asked.

“I do.  And I will still walk beside him, even if the world has turned against him.”  

Raine felt Isao squeeze her side slightly before releasing his hold on her.  Should anything happen next, he needed two hands to fight. Isao steps forward and blocks Raine from the River Elves eyesight.  

“We’re just passing through.”  Isao told them. “We have no intention of stopping anywhere on your land.”  

The River Elf kept his arrow locked on the bow and didn’t look away at Isao.  He was deciding if it was worth it to kill them or set them free. The Dark Elves were known to be tricksters and liars.  And although the Dark Elf in front of him has never done anything to the River Elves, he didn’t feel right to let the Dark Elf and the Wood Elf leave.  

“Kill---” The River Elf ordered, as he finally decided on the course that would protect his River Elf Clan.  

However before he could even finish his order, the trees around them reached down and took a hold of them, wrapping their limbs and body with branches.  The branches then lifted them up, high into the sky and stopped moving as if nothing happened.


“Ahhh, what’s happening?”  

“Let me go!  Ahh!”

The small scouting team of 6 River Elves screamed at the same time.  

Isao took Raine’s hand and they walked away, leaving the River Elves struggling to get out of their binding, while calling for help.  

Isao looked back at the River Elves and thought that they were lucky.  Had Raine not step in to use her Natural Magic to detain the River Elves, he would have killed all of them on the spot, without even thinking twice.  Anyone who threatens Raine’s safety was his enemy. And killing those River Elves meant nothing to him.

They traveled west, out of the lands of the Wooden Elves, River Elves, and Mountain Elves.  They traveled towards the territory of the Dark Elves, where Isao plans to conquer and unite the Dark Elves under his complete authority and power.

When they reached the Dark Elves, it was a land of volcanic ash and a sulfuric lake.  There were three active volcanoes that rumbled loudly, which was the home of the Dark Elves.  

When Isao arrived with Raine, there was a large group to Dark Elves who greeted them.  

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?”  The tallest Dark Elf out of the group called out.  “A weakened Dark Elf and a mousy Wooden Elf? Did you fall in love with the Wooden Elf and her family didn’t approve so you guys decided to run away together?”   

The group of Dark Elves laughed at the comment as they stared down at their new guests.  

“Or did you bring your new bride here to offer to us so we can all bed her like a whore?”  

As everyone laughed at the man’s comment, Isao smiled at the large Elf and held his hand out, with his palm facing up.  A fire lit up inside of his palm and everyone hushed quietly as they saw the fire light up.

Without a word, the fire was launched towards the largest Elf who insulted Raine as well as those who stood close to him.  The rest of the Elves jumped back in horror and fear as they watched their companion scream and cry out for help. Their bodies, fell down to the ground and no matter how much they rolled on the ground, or tried to put out the fire, the fire burned brightly and hot until there was no more life inside of the Dark Elves.  

“Anyone else want to disrespect my beloved?”  Isao asked at the frightened group.

When no one answered Isao spoke again.  

“Good.  Now that we all know not to disrespect my beloved, I need to know who’s in charge of the Dark Elves.  If there isn’t anyone who’s in charge, then I’ll be that Elf who unites the Dark Elves. Would there be any problems with this arrangement?”  

All the Dark Elves shook their heads no.  Here the powerful ruled supreme. And the weak could only bow their heads and wish to live a good and quiet life.  

“Show us to the best quarters.”  Isao ordered.

A more courageous Dark Elf stepped forwards and showed them to their room.  Which resided inside of the biggest volcano. The “room” was a carven, the size of a one bedroom apartment.  Inside of the cavern was a makeshift bed, made out of several wolf pelts laid on the ground. There was a table and chairs, as well as trinkets that was placed around the room to make it look nicer.  

Raine looked around the room before sitting on the chair.  She waited for Isao to speak to the Dark Elves, giving them his orders, before she redecorated the room.  What Isao had to say to the Dark Elf had nothing to do with her. Isao had his own personal mission to complete and she didn’t want to interrupt him.  

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