Heiress (13)

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Raine wanted to call out and speak out, but all of her verbal and motor skills were paralyzed.  She was drugged with Ketamine, she could be hallucinating, but the scent of someone was not something anyone could change.  

You don’t have to do this.  Raine wanted to cry out. I finally found you.  You’re the only person whom I’m willing to be with.  We can finally be together. You are the soul I’ve been looking for all along.  You will always be the soul that I yearn for.

“I’m sorry I had to do this to you. Know that I never mean you any harm.”  Silver said as she pulled back from their kiss. “But, there is something I have to do to protect my family and your family.”

Silver kissed Addison’s lips again, then pulled the chair around so it would be next to Addison.  With her left hand, she held Addison’s bound hand that rested on her lap, with her right hand, she pulled out a gun and held it in her lap.  

“This will be our last play.”  Silver told Addison. “It would either be our beginning or our end.”

Whatever you’re doing, you don’t have to do it. Rain wanted to shout.  We can handle the situation together.

“Here he comes, my love.  Here comes the rat who sold my family to the police to save his own family.”  Silver said as they both watched Craig walk up to them as calmly as he could.

“I’m here alone, like you wanted.  Now let her go.” Craig said as he stopped six feet away from them. “She has nothing to do with us.”  

“But she has everything to do with us.”  

“Let her go!”  Craig shouted. “She’s innocent!”  

“But you’re the one who involved her in our mess.”  Silver said calmly. “Had you kept your eyes and lewd thoughts about Addy to yourself, she wouldn’t be here today.”  

“How much more do I have to tell you that I don’t love you?!?  I don’t want to be with you?!? Do I have to be a total asshole for you to understand that what is between you and me is through?  We are finished! Done! Even our friendship is not worth saving! After all of this, I never want to see you again!”

“You’re right.  You don’t love me, you don’t want to be with me and there is no friendship between us.  You’ll never see me again because you’re a rat for the FBI.”

“What?”  Craig said as he took a small step back.  A look of surprise flashed through his features.  

“There is no love lost between you and I.  I don’t love you either and I really don’t want to be with you.  What little friendship we did have was sold off by you to the FBI, in hopes to save yourself.”

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”  

“Really!?!  Want to play dumb now that I’ve revealed your true face in front of your intended future wife?”  Silver sneered. “Look Addy. Look at the vermin who we called friend since we were young.  Look how he quickly sold us off to the FBI so he could keep on living.”

“I didn’t say anything to the FBI about Addison and her family.”  

“So you only ratted my family out?  How magnanimous of you to only do it to one person.”

“Shut up!”  

“What? Did you think that I was so obsessed with you that I couldn’t do anything except follow you around like a jealous harlot?  I followed you around so I could find out about your movements. Every step you made, every word you said, every deal you brokered. I knew. I know everything you said and did to save yourself, you selfish prick.  You also thought that once me and my family was out of the way, you could woo Addison and marry her. Have children with her? Build a life together? Ha! What a joke!  So naive.”

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