Immortal (14)

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That night Ayla moved into her new lodgings.  With Evren’s flimsy excuse that they should share a room and a bed together, Ayla quickly followed Evren’s words without complaint.  Ayla’s compliance to everything that Evren said made Evren want to spoil Ayla even more.

Evren personally fed Ayla and after the servants drew a bath for Ayla, Evren helped Ayla bathe as well, scrubbing Ayla’s back and help wash Ayla’s hair.  When it was time to dry Ayla’s body and get dress in her sleeping clothes, it was Evren who did everything for Ayla without asking.

Evren took a whole hour drying Ayla’s hair before letting Ayla into bed and tucking her in.  Once Ayla fell asleep, Evren watched over Ayla for a long time before getting herself ready for bed.  

When Evren was in the clean and hot bath water, it was only then that she thought back to her first meeting with Bai Yu.  Bai Yu had walked up 888 steps to get into Asuman Temple. Those that walked those steps were women who seeked Immortality, or those who needed to find peace.  However when she met Bai Yu, she felt as if Bai Yu had lingering attachments that she was seeking, that she couldn’t let go of.

She didn’t want to ascend into heaven, nor did she want to find peace in herself.  If she didn't want that, then why did she come to Asuman Temple? Evren’s thoughts went to the early evening of Bai Yu asking to share a living space with Ayla and Evren’s eyes tighten with anger.  

If anyone was to live with Ayla, the only person worthy enough to do so is her!  Anyone else would be unworthy. The possibility of Bai Yu coming to Asuman Temple to get close to Ayla made Evren even more wary and protective.  Because of Ayla’s unknown origins, it was possible for anyone to pretend to want to become a student of Asuman Temple to try to hurt Ayla.

Ayla never spoke about those who hurt her.  Anyone who wanted to become close to Ayla could be Ayla’s abusers.  Evren couldn’t let anyone come close to Ayla. She would never let Ayla be abused, mistreated, and disrespected ever again.  She had to be more vigilant.

When Evren got out of the bathtub, she noticed that her protective wards have been tampered with.  Evren quickly got dress and checked on Ayla. Evren’s heart sighed with relief that Ayla slept deeply in their bed, not knowing that their lives could be in danger.  

Evren made two additional protective wards around Ayla and two more around their room, before she left Ayla alone.  Anyone who broke through the protective wards would be attacked back by the wards defenses. The amount of power one places on the ward, to force it open, the same force and power would bounce back and attack the intruder.  

Evren reached the outer border ward where the 1st Disciple’s living quarters are and saw the small, thin woman sneaking around.  Thankfully, Evren had all the servants move all of her and Ayla’s belongings into their new place and had only left behind big wooden furniture.  

Evren stood in the darkness watching the woman go through every corner of the house, looking around and searching every inch.  For what? Evren did not know.

The woman left the house and began searching the front and back courtyard.  When she couldn’t find anything, she left just the way she came in. And when she left, she fixed the ward she tampered while sweeping her trail to ensure there was no evidence of her presence there.  

Evren watched as Bai Yu exited the High Master Monk’s territories and snuck back into her room that she shared with Naz.  Since Naz would be leaving in a week, there was no reason as to why they couldn’t share the room.

Naz reluctantly agreed, however she was annoyed.  Since becoming a direct disciple of High Master Monk Ece, she never had to share anything with anyone.  Now that she made a mistake and offended not only High Master Monk Evren, but also Ayla.

Feeling as if Naz stepped into a pile of dog poop, Naz ignored Bai Yu and went into closed door training until she had to leave.  The time in the closed door training would help her become enlightened with her current situation.

Bai Yu entered her small dormitory room and began to throw her belongings on the ground in a fit of rage.  Within a couple of hours of their conversation, Ame moved in to live with Lui Wei, in his personal chambers.  Even in this lifetime, Lui Wei treats Ame well, however treats Bai Yu with ill will.  It was not fair!  

Why does Ame have all the good luck, while she has all the bad luck?  Bai Yu looked around at the mess she made and began to cry. How long had she waited until she could meet Lui Wei again.  She waited in the darkness and the coldness for him. Waited in loneliness. Waited for Lui Wei’s smile, his warmth, his love.  

However no matter how much time passed since then, Lui Wei could only see Ame.  He had turned away from Bai Yu and thrown all their love away.  Bai Yu fell onto the messy floor and in the darkness she hugged her knees to her body and rocked back and forth.  

Since the day Ame changed, Bai Yu’s life became hard and became worse and more worse as the days passed.  She had to kill Ame. They could not exist together with Lui Wei.

Bai Yu cried harder at her life.  She had forsaken everything and everyone for Lui Wei.  She could only wish that Lui Wei saw how much she still loves him.  How she could sacrifice everything for him. Then he’ll understand what she gave up to be with him.  Then he’ll love her once again.

That night Bai Yu did not go to sleep.  She cried while making plans to kill Ame, who was now Ayla, and get back Lui Wei, who was now Evren.  

Raine snickered at Bai Yu’s determined will and foolishness.  The live feed she watched was entertaining. Bai Yu could never win because of Scam System’s surveillance that was all over Asuman Temple.  Before anything bad could happen, Raine would be able to sidestep the calamity before it could even happen.

However how could she let Bai Yu’s hard work go to waste?  She had to fall into the smaller schemes to make herself seem more innocent and pure, while Bai Yu seem to be the bad, evil person she really is.  It is only then that Evren can be the savior of the damsel in distress and then kill Bai Yu in the process.

With her plan in place, Raine snuggled into the blanket and fell asleep.  Raine lightly woke up when Evren crawled into bed to hold her before falling back asleep.  Raine snuggled into Evren’s body and squeezed her tightly just once before relaxing.

Evren laid still with tension after Ayla hugged her.  She didn’t want to move, fearing that Ayla would wake up.  And she couldn’t relax, fearing that Ayla would rub against Evren’s body again.  Should that happen, Evren didn’t know if she could hold herself back from taking advantage of Ayla.  

For the rest of the night Evren did not sleep at all.  She laid awake, torturously holding the innocent and pure Ayla.  Evren prayed for strength and patience.

When Ayla woke up, she felt Evren’s stiff body still holding her.  Ayla smiled and rubbed her face on Evren’s chest.

“Mmmmmmm.”  Ayla grumbled.  “You smell nice.”  

The arms around Ayla quickly tightened and pushed her onto the bed, on her back.  Ayla looked up with a sweet smile and sleepy eyes.

“Morning Evren!”  Ayla called out with happiness as the sleepiness quickly fell away.  Instead her eyes shine brightly with warmth.  “You’re so warm. It was so nice to sleep with you!  You also smell very good!”

Evren quickly covered Ayla’s eyes with her hand.  Those sweet, joyous, pure eyes would be the end of Evren. If she kept staring at Ayla’s eyes, Evren would do things to Ayla and be considered a beast.  Ayla still had a year to grow up, Evren had to hold herself back before crossing that line.

Evren quickly leaned down and kissed the side of Ayla’s jaw before rolling away with all of her strength and her will power.  She quickly left the bedroom and went straight to the bathing room.

Raine sat up and watched Evren run away with a smile on her face.  She knew her lover through and through. Teasing her lover was always fun.  

The Lazy Life Of Raine Where stories live. Discover now