Reunion (4)

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Once the stew was ready, two soldiers came to take the pot to the soldiers and it was scooped up and given out.  The women ate last and only the scraps of what the soldiers couldn’t finish.

Luckily for Raine, she spent the rest of her Soul Force Points on a potion to stop her from needing food and water to survive.  She only had to keep up appearances to make others believe that she was starving as well.

After dinner, Raine and a couple of women went to the river to wash the pots and utensils.  It was then that her actions to protect the girl from before came back to bite her.

“That’s her!”  Li Jing pointed at Li Na.  “I want you and your brother soldiers to rape her and kill her.”  

Raine looked up to the night sky and sighed loudly.  Li Jing really couldn’t just live a peaceful life without causing a scene.  

“Hey you!”  The soldier called out and pointed at Li Na.  “Come here.”

Li Na stood up, but she kept the big wooden spoon to stir the food in her hand.  She would need a weapon, if it called for it. Li Na came forward and the torches that the soldiers held in their hands lit up Li Na’s face.  

“Are you the legal wife’s daughter from the second house, as Li Jing said?” The soldier asked.  

Her face was clean, but her robe was dirty from the travel.  Because she was under the sun for the past two weeks, she had a slight tan to her skin, but she was still very beautiful.  

“What of it?” Li Na said.  “We’re all slaves in the end.”  

“Ha!  You’re right.  You’re a slave.  So come along with me and my brothers here and we can show you a good time.”  He told her.

“And if I decline your offer?”  Li Na asked.

“You can’t say ‘No’, you’re a slave.  You have to do what we ask.” He ordered her.  

At first, Raine was going to fight with them, however she changed her mind.  

“Okay.”  Li Na told them.  “Let’s go.”

Li Na threw the wooden spoon for Ruolan to catch as Roulan shook her head no, telling her not to go.  But Li Na only smiled back at Roulan. Somehow that smile had a hint of evil to it and made Roulan shiver in fear.  Roulan could only watch as the Second Young Miss walked into the woods with six men and Li Jing.

They made their way further from the campsite and stopped in the middle of a small opening.  There they planted the torches on the ground to give them some light and Li Na was surrounded by the men as they chuckled.  

“You scared, little bunny?”  They taunted as they began to strip.  

“We’re going to take turns on top of you and we’re going to make you scream!”  Another man told her as he came up behind her.

“I’m not scared.”  Li Na told them. “Nor will I scream…. but you will.”  

Raine unleashed her succubus and immediately they were under its spell.  Each man turned to the closest person and began to kiss and make out. Their hands helped pulled each other’s clothes until they were naked and they laid on the ground to begin their sexual activity.   

Raine stood still, in the middle of the orgy and her succubus absorbed the sexual energy in the air.  The sounds of moans, groans and panting could be heard in the quiet forest. Suddenly, like a flash, Raine’s body that was once in the middle of the orgy, was gone.  

From the woods came four soldiers.  After hearing that the honorable Second Young Miss of the Li Clan was taken to the woods by some soldiers, the Captain, the Lieutenant and two soldiers came to find her.  Their only hope is that they didn’t find her too late.

What they saw instead caused them to frown.  They knew how Li Jing looked like, so when they saw her, they weren’t surprise. However Li Na could not be found.  There was only Li Jing and six men. Seeing the group made the Captain even more angry as he begins to kick each man until they separated.      

“Who kicked----”  One of the soldier cried out, but when he saw it was their Captain, he shut up and bowed his head.  He shook his head, as if to clear them from the foggy state it was in.

“Where is she?”  Captain Qi asked.  His voice was low and slow as he glared at his men.  


Captain Qi kicked the man who just spoke and when he fell, he spat out blood and a few teeth.  

“Where is the Second Young Miss?”   Lieutenant Minzhe asked.

The group looked back and forth and did not see her within the group.  But they could have swore that she was with the group in their sexual activity.  

“I don’t know.  She was here with us.”  

“Where is she now?”  Lt. Minzhe asked again.  This time he had no patience for them.  

“I--”  Before the man could answer, he was kicked by Lt. Minzhe and fell back on his back.  

“Go back to camp.”  Captain Qi ordered them.  “If she is not there, you lot will spend the rest of the night finding her.  If she is there, you all will get 20 whips. She is not to be touched. Do you understand?!?”  

“Yes, Captain.”  They all said as they quickly stood up and gathered their clothes.  They all came back to camp and found Li Na among the women putting the cooking ware away.  

“Young Miss.”  Captain Qi said as he saw her safe and sound.  

Li Na turns back and bows her head as she walks to him.  

“Are you hurt?”  He asked once she stopped a few steps away from him.  

“No, Sir.”  

“Did they do anything to you?”  

“No, sir.  I was able to get away before anything happened.”  

“You could have run away, why didn’t you?”  He questioned.

“And where would I go?  We are in the middle of nowhere and I have no money, no family and no connections.  Where would I run to? How would I be able to live?”

“Hmmmm... “  Captain Qi hummed before turning around and walking away.  

That night Li Jing was taken away, her screams could be heard as she was whipped along with the soldiers who took Li Na.  The Captain’s order for Li Na not to be touched came down along with the order that no slave can be touched if they are not willing.  

The women thanked Li Na for the order, however she had nothing to do with it.  She kept her head down and did what she was told. Another four months passed before they reached the border.  By this time, more soldiers had joined the group traveling east.

The slave women were divided into groups and sent to different places, while Li Na was sent directly to the General’s tent.  

Li Na stood in the tent as the General stared at her.  Although her clothes were dirty, her face, hands and hair was clean.  Her skin had a nice tan to it, but her skin still seemed soft like a lady.  

The General was as old as her Father and was intimidating. But there was a nice aura around him that Raine liked.  The General tapped his finger on his desk for a long time staring at her. While Li Na stood still, with her eyes to the ground and her hands to her side.  

“Look at me.”  General Shen ordered.  

Li Na’s eyes met his and she held his stare.  Their stare lasted a minute then two minutes before General Shen laughs loudly and slaps the table.  

“As expected from a Li daughter.”  General Shen said as he brushed his beard on his chin.  “What am I supposed to do with you, now that life has changed your fate?”  

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