Addison’s long, wavy, brunette hair looked lucious and soft. Silver wondered how it would feel in between her fingers. Addison healthy and tight body had just the right amount of curves, from her breast, to her waist to her nicely shaped legs. Everything about Addison called out to Silver.
There was something about Addison the drew her attention towards Addison and wanted to claim Addison. It was as if she was a moth and Addison was the flame. There was a need within herself that was so well hidden, that the moment she saw Addison for the first time in eight years, the need inside of her erupted and completely engulfed her every sense.
She never knew how soul crushing loneliness and sadness felt like until she saw Addison again. All she knew was that she needed Addison to be by her side. She need to kiss her and hold her. She needed Addison more than she ever thought she could need anyone before.
However Silver’s feelings were conflicted. Craig and her had been fooling around with each other, off and on, ever since they were 14 years old. A year after Addison left, their teenage hormones exploded and together they learned how to love, fuck, fight, argue, break up, forgive and repeat it all over.
Silver was in a love-hate relationship with Craig. He was her first love. The boy who she lost her virginity to. The boy who taught her how to love, yet also at the same time taught her how to hate. He taught her so much about who she is and what she wanted. And yet, she could never get enough of him. She was addicted to him.
In the end, they agreed on being friends with benefits. Seeing how both of their families were closely connected. And the years of love and heartbreak, under shadowed their years of friendship. When she saw Craig sitting next to Addison, there was a sense of jealousy that ran hot and fast inside of her.
Addison was exactly Craig’s type. Addison was tall and thin with enchanting eyes and luscious lips. Her breast was perky and her butt was round and full. Her legs were long and Silver thought how amazing it would feel wrapped around her.
Her inner thoughts were fighting with one another. It was making her confused. It was as if two separate thoughts were fighting with each other. She wanted Craig for the longest time and yet she also wanted Addison.
“Don’t mind Silver.” Craig tried to apologize.
“It’s okay.” Addison quickly said as she turned to her right.
People began to fill up the VIP room as the music began to play louder. The drink in her hand was quickly replaced as Silver sat next to her.
The three of them sat closely, with Addison in the middle as they caught up on their lives. The drinks were refill one after another and in the VVIP room an orgy began to play out in front of them.
The succubus inside of her absorbed the sexual energy in the air while pushing out the scent of desire.
Silver’s hand rested on Addison’s leg and began to rub it up and down while her seductive features were calling out to Craig. Silver leaned forward and pulled Craig’s tie close to her. In front of Addison’s face, Silver leaned in and kissed Craig.
Their kiss was hot and wet, however Craig’s body pressed onto Addison as he leaned forward. The two of them broke their kiss and turned to Addison at the same time. Without a word, they both kissed Addison and tasted her lips.
The feeling of two different sets of lips on hers made Raine’s inner succubus unleash her powers towards the VIP and VVIP room. The sexual activities from the other side was quickly being eaten up by her succubus.
Raine was enjoying herself until she felt Silver bite her shoulder. Valentin’s intoxicating scent quickly invaded Raine’s senses, waking her up from her current situation. Both Craig and Silver’s hands were on her body, touching her.
Raine’s body froze for a moment, remembering Valentin. Her heartbreak over his death filled her senses once again. The loneliness of not having him next to her broke her even more. The knowledge of never being with him again caused her to be in more despair.
Feeling as if she betrayed him, she quickly got up and stumbled over herself. She quickly sat on the coffee table as both Craig and Silver looked at her in a drunken confusion.
“Sorry.” Raine said as she pushed her hair back and fixed her dress. “I really have to use the bathroom.”
“Oh.” Craig said with a slight disappointment.
He pointed at another door and Raine quickly got up and made her way inside. Raine locked the door and turned on the fauset, splashing her face with cold water.
When she looked up into the mirror, she could only see the beauty looking back at her in confusion.
“What are you doing?” Raine asked herself. “What do you want?”
Her reflection did not say anything back to her. Raine looked at herself for a long time. What was she waiting for? She didn’t know. But what she did know, was that Valentin’s scent probably came from her imagination. She just wasn’t ready to fuck anyone or have someone fuck her. Not yet anyways.
Raine walked out of the bathroom to a scene that the succubus inside of her could appreciate, however to Raine, the scene made her want to leave.
A naked Craig sat on the couch as a naked Silver rode him. His hands rested on Silver’s hips as they kissed. Raine’s succubus desire pushed the two of them to the extreme. It was controlling their own desires so her succubus could feed.
Raine absorbed the sexual air as much as she could until her eyes met Luther’s. She shook her head once to the side, indicating that she wanted to leave and the three of them left the two alone with two other bouncers and a bartender inside of Craig’s hidden lair.
As Luther made a path for Raine and Max through the crowd, Raine’s pace picked up and held onto the back to Luther’s suit. Her hands shook without reason as she followed him out of the club.
Her succubus was well fed, however her soul was in tatters. Irving pulled the car up to the curb exactly at the right time, as the three of them entered the car.
“Home.” Raine said softly. “I want to go home.”

The Lazy Life Of Raine
FantasyRaine Marcella was tired. Tired from working several part time jobs to support her family, while taking care of her sick grandmother. Tired of not living for herself, but for others. Tired of taking care of everyone else. Tired of being taken ad...