Survivor (3)

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Raine slowly took off her backpack and took out her clean shirt along with the canteen of water.  

“See here?”  Raine said as she dropped the machete on her side before carrying the shirt and water canteen closer to the injured pup.  “Just want to clean and wrap your wound up. Don’t want to leave you for the dead to feast on.”

Raine projected her intentions towards the wolf pup.  Her calming and caring intentions reached out to him and he slowly let her make her way to him.  

Raine first checked out the wound and saw that it wasn’t that bad.  She used the water to clean the wound before ripping her shirt into strips then binding the wound so it would stop bleeding.  

“Sorry I don’t have a needle and thread to sew the wound up.”  Raine spoke to the wolf. “I can only try my best with what I have.”  

When Raine finished, she scratched the wolf behind its ear.  

“Thank you for trusting me.  You did a good job.” Raine said as she scratched his head.  “Where’s your pack, little pup? Did you get lost?”

The wolf whined at Raine’s words and tried to stand up, but fell back down.  

“Don’t move just yet, you’ll make your wound open up and you’ll bleed even more.”  Raine told him. “I just can’t leave you here by yourself. I can take you to your pack.”  

Raine stood up and refilled her water canteen, before placing the little pup into her backpack.  The little pup’s head popped out of the bag and looked around as Raine wore the backpack.

“Ready, little one?”  Raine asked as she turned her head to look back.  “Which way?”

Raine looked around to try to retrace the little pup’s trail, however the little pup kept making noises, as if to say not to go that way.  

“That way?”  Raine asked as she pointed the machete to the opposite direction.  

The little pup barked twice and Raine went the way the pup lead her.  A couple of hours later, Raine and the little pup were fast friends. Without understanding what the pup was saying, Raine spoke to him as if they were having a conversation.  

“That zombie must have gotten you good, huh?”  Raine said as she walked. “You must have been very scared.”

Woof.  Woof. Woof.  

“Yeah, I’m sure you showed them who’s boss, am I right?”  Raine smiled back at the little pup before turning back to look forward.  

Grrrr.  Grrrr. Woof.  Woof.

“I bet your pack will be glad to see you again.  They would also be mad that a little pup like yourself wandered off without them, especially in these dark times.”

Woof.  Woof.

“You could have been killed, you know.  Then your pack would have been sad that a precious member of their family was killed by a zombie.”  


“I’m not the one you have to apologize to.  You can’t run away again, you hear. It’s not safe out there anymore.  If I didn’t find you, other zombies would have, or other humans who weren’t so nice as me.  Food is scarce out there, you would have been a good meal.”

Grrrrrrr.    Woof. Woof.  Woof!

“Don’t worry about me eating you, you’re not my type of food to eat.  I prefer those animals who make noises such as mooooo, oink and cluck-cluck.”  

Hyaaaahk. Hyaaahk. The little wolf happily opened his mouth and let his tongue out as if he could imagine the piece of meat in his mouth.  

“Hush.”  Raine said as she stopped in her tracks.  The smile on her face quickly turned into a frown.  They were now close to the edge of the forest, where a road could be seen.  There was a confrontation going on in front of her between humans and wolves.  

It was a standoff between the two, the wolves were growling at the humans while the humans were debating on killing the wolves for meat and fur.  

The little pup began to struggle and whine inside of the bag.  

“Shhhh.  Is that your pack? Don’t worry.  I’ll help them.” Raine comforted the little pup.  “Don’t worry, okay? Trust me. I’ll help. They won’t get hurt.  I promise.”

Raine hid by the treeline and listened to the three men and two women.  

“Do you think they’ll let us go?”  The young woman in red asked.

“Let us go?  Why? It should be us who lets those wolves go.  Besides, I haven’t had meat in a long time. And we can use their fur for the winter.”  The bald man said.

“Don’t!”  The young woman in black said.  “They’re endangered species. We shouldn’t kill them.”  

“WE’RE THE ENDANGERED SPECIES!”  The other man in a baseball cap shouted.  “With the zombie virus, humans have become almost extinct.  A couple of wolves killed for the survival of the human race is only fair in this situation.”  

“I can’t take part of this.’  The woman in black said as she went back to the car with the woman in red.

The three men looked at each other and with their decision made, they took out the daggers and took a step towards the four wolves who growled in warning.  

“You guys gonna try to kill the wolves with your puny daggers?”  Raine said as she walked out of the forestline and into the road.  “You guys want to risk death with the little skills you guys have?”  

The three men quickly turned back and saw Raine.  Their eyes began to immediately become hostile.

“We saw them first!  They’re ours!” The bald man shouted.  

“I think not.”  Raine told them.  “Besides, my weapon’s larger than yours.”  

Raine raised her machete and showed it to them.  

“I’m pretty sure I’ve killed more zombies than the three of you combine.  Taking anyone else life is just the same to me. If you’re smart and you want your life, you’ll get back in your car and leave.  These wolves don’t belong to you.”

“As we see it, it's three against one.  If you’re smart, you’ll leave your machete and leave before we get mad.”  

“Since you guys want to fight so much, let's do it.  I’m tired of talking.”

Raine took off her backpack and the little pup popped his head out.  His eyes looked from Raine, to the three men, to his pack, then back to Raine, in hopes that she would win.  

The three men saw Raine walk towards them with a cold smile. With the machete by her side, she began whistling.  

“She’s crazy.”  The man with the cap said.  “Go, kill her!”

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