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The next day after school, Quinn did homework in Puck's room while he was at basketball practice.

Quinn missed being a part of the games, especially the football games, which had ended back in November.

After a while, Quinn gave up on homework and went downstairs to find something to eat and drink.

"Hi, Quinn."

Quinn closed the fridge and looked at the brunette. "Hi, Sarah."

"Whatcha doin'?" Sarah asked.

"Just getting a drink." Quinn answered.

"Is Noah home?" Sarah wondered.

Quinn shook her head as she sipped the water. "He's at practice."

Sarah frowned. "He's a bad boyfriend."

"Well, we're not really together." Quinn mumbled.

"Why not?" Sarah wondered.

"We're just... friends, I guess." Quinn shrugged, even though they weren't even that.

Sarah looked at Quinn. "Wanna watch a movie with me?"

"I should get back to my homework." Quinn told Sarah. "But thanks."

Quinn excused herself and went back upstairs to Puck's room. She closed the door behind her and sat down. She quickly gave up on homework and decided to take a nap.



Quinn opened her eyes and saw Puck at the door.

"Dinner's ready." Puck told her. "Come down and eat."

"I'm not hungry." Quinn replied as she pulled the blankets up.

"You should still eat." Puck said.

"I'm not hungry." Quinn repeated.

"Maybe you're not, but I'm sure the baby is." Puck stated as he entered the room and crouched down on the floor next to the bed.

Quinn looked at Puck.

"Come downstairs and eat." Puck repeated.

"How was practice?" Quinn wondered as she slowly sat up.

"What?" Puck asked as he stood up.

"How was practice?" Quinn questioned him.

"It was good." Puck answered. "We're gonna kick ass on Friday, if Finn can focus on the game."

Quinn nodded. "He was distracted?"

"Coach yelled at him 'cause he wouldn't throw me the ball." Puck told Quinn.

"I'm surprised your coach actually coached." Quinn stated.

"Yeah." Puck smiled slightly. "Me, too."

"Is your mom at work?" Quinn wondered.

Puck nodded. "I usually handle dinner and Sarah."

Quinn nodded back as she slowly stood up.

"Let's go eat."

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