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In the morning, Quinn woke up feeling nauseous. She quickly threw up, but the feelings of nausea didn't subside.

Puck came upstairs and frowned when he found Quinn hunched over the toilet.

"Morning." Puck said softly, his voice still raspy from just waking up. "You okay?"

Quinn shook her head. "I don't feel good. I probably shouldn't have mixed pickles and a vanilla shake."

Puck frowned. "You wanna skip school? I'll get some food and you can just sleep all day."

"No, I have to go to school." Quinn stated as she slowly stood up. "What am I gonna wear?"

"It's school, not fashion week." Puck responded.

Quinn rolled her eyes as she dug through her clothes.

"Seriously, if you need a day off-"

"I'll be okay." Quinn promised.

"I'll get out of your way and let you start getting ready then." Puck decided. "Do you want breakfast?"

Quinn shook her head. "No, thank you."

"Alright." Puck nodded. "Yell if you need me."

Quinn nodded back as Puck walked away.


At the end of the day, the pair went back to Puck's house. Quinn still felt sick so she excused herself to go lay down in Puck's room.

About ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Quinn called.

The door opened and Puck walked in with a tray of saltines and ginger ale. He put it on his nightstand and looked at Quinn.

"I figured you might need a little something." Puck said. "So if you do, it's here."

"Thanks." Quinn said.

"Can I do anything else?" Puck offered.

"Can you stay here?" Quinn requested. "And just... lay with me?"

"Are you sure?" Puck asked.

Quinn nodded.

Puck slowly curled up next to Quinn in his bed.

Quinn's eyes filled with tears as she felt the baby move around inside her.

"Quinn? What's wrong?" Puck questioned her. "Why are you crying?"

"I can feel the baby." Quinn said softly.

"Is it the first time you can feel it?" Puck wondered.

"I've felt, like, flutters before, but..." Quinn nodded as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I can feel more movement now."

Puck looked at her and smiled, slightly freaked out, but mostly fascinated.

"Here." Quinn said as she took Puck's hands and placed them on her baby bump. "Of course now it stops."

"Maybe the baby knows I'm here now." Puck smiled slightly.

"Maybe." Quinn agreed as she wiped her eyes.

"Little Baby Fabray, Mommy and Daddy are both here." Puck said softly. "And we can't wait to meet you."

Quinn bit her lip.

"You should, uh, you should get some rest." Puck advised Quinn as his smile faded and he pulled his hands away.

"Yeah, you, too." Quinn replied as she rolled over so her back was toward Puck.

"Sleep tight." Puck told Quinn.

Quinn took Puck's hands and held them as she curled up with him and closed her eyes.

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