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"Noah." Quinn whispered.

"Yeah, Q?" Puck mumbled.

"Are you awake?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah, Q." Puck said. "What's wrong?"

"I can't sleep." Quinn responded.

Puck rolled over and looked at the blonde. He gently pulled her into his arms. "What are you thinking about?"

"The baby." Quinn answered, putting her hands over Puck's and holding them.

"Is she kicking?" Puck asked.

"A little, but that's not why I can't sleep." Quinn stated.

"Why can't you sleep?" Puck asked.

"I was thinking about her name." Quinn said.

"We have time to pick a name." Puck responded. "But what'd you come up with?"

"I don't know what I want her first name to be yet." Quinn told Puck as she rolled over and looked at him. "But I want her last name to be Puckerman."

"You do?" Puck asked.

Quinn nodded. "She's a Puckerman."

Puck smiled. "I'd really like that."

"Me, too." Quinn smiled back.

"Thank you." Puck lightly kissed Quinn's forehead and grinned. "Now you and baby Puckerman should get some sleep."

"Okay." Quinn nodded as she rolled over again, facing away from Puck as she curled up with him. "Goodnight, Noah."

"Night, Q."


Quinn frowned as the alarm clock went off in the morning.

"Five more minutes."

"I already gave you ten more minutes. It's time to get up now." Puck said softly. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"I'm not hungry." Quinn replied as she sat up and looked at Puck. "But thanks."

Puck nodded. "I'm gonna go clean up then. Don't go back to sleep."

"No promises." Quinn smiled.

"Don't." Puck repeated. "Alright? Come on."

"Alright." Quinn sighed as she put her arms out. "Help me up."

Puck gently helped Quinn up and smiled.

"Thank you." Quinn smiled back.

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