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When it was time for the sonogram, Quinn pulled her shirt up over her baby bump.

Quinn felt Puck's eyes on her abdomen, but she didn't look at him. She reached out for his hand as the doctor put the gel on her.

Puck rolled his chair closer to Quinn and held her hand between both of his hands as he turned his attention to the screen, where their baby was.

Dr. Chin adjusted something else until the sounds of the baby's heartbeat filled the small room.

"Oh my god." Puck whispered as he tightened his grip on Quinn's hand.

Quinn smiled slightly as she looked at Puck, who had tears in his eyes.

"The baby looks good." Dr. Chin smiled. "You're doing everything right, and at your age, there's really nothing to worry about."

"Quinn, wow." Puck added softly.

After a few minutes, Dr. Chin turned off the monitor and looked at the teenagers. "I'm gonna go print these out for you, but keep doing what you're doing."

"Thank you." Quinn said softly as she grabbed a wipe to clean her belly as the doctor left the room. She fixed her shirt and sat up.


After they got the sonogram pictures and scheduled Quinn's next appointment, she and Puck headed home.

"You know what's crazy?" Puck asked Quinn as he continued driving home. "I don't even know if the baby is a boy or a girl, but I already love it so much."

Quinn bit her lip.

"What about you?" Puck wondered as he glanced at Quinn.

"I... I don't know." Quinn shrugged. "I'm trying not to feel anything."

"Why?" Puck wondered.

"Because we're sixteen and I don't think we'd make good parents." Quinn stated.

"We could." Puck insisted.

"Noah, don't." Quinn requested.

"We could." Puck repeated.

"We can't." Quinn shook her head.

"I'm not saying it would be easy." Puck went on. "It would probably be the hardest thing either one of us has ever done, but we could do it. I know we could."

"Babies are expensive." Quinn said as she looked at Puck. "And I wanna graduate and get the hell out of this town."

"Well, we could." Puck stated as he parked the car. "You could even still go to college, Quinn."

"That sounds nice, doesn't it?" Quinn asked as tears filled her eyes. "But it would never work."

"Why not?" Puck demanded. "Why can't we make it work?"

"Because." Quinn said.

"Because I'm not Finn?" Puck guessed.

"You've already proven it's better you than Finn." Quinn responded.

"Then why not?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"I've thought about it and I'll keep thinking about it until the day the baby gets here." Quinn explained as she wiped her eyes. "But it isn't fair for you to do this to me."

"But it's ours, and I think we should-"

"I don't wanna talk about this right now." Quinn sniffled as she got out of the car and went inside.

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