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"Alright, Quinn. We're gonna tell you when to push, and we'll tell you when to stop." Dr. Chin informed Quinn. "When you're not pushing, you need to rest for the next one, okay?"

Quinn nodded slowly as she looked at Puck.

"Just squeeze my hand." Puck said, offering Quinn his hand.

"Start pushing." Dr. Chin commanded.

Quinn screamed as she squeezed Puck and Judy's hands while she pushed.

"You're doing great. Keep pushing." Dr. Chin ordered.

"I can't." Quinn said.

"You have to." Dr. Chin told her.

"Come on, Quinn." Puck coached her.

"Shut up!" Quinn yelled, digging her nails into Puck's hand as she continued pushing.

"Good." Dr. Chin told her as the contraction subsided. "Now you can rest until the next one."

"Rest?" Quinn repeated. "I'm sweating and I'm not even close to being able to rest."

"You're close. You're okay." Judy told her.

"Okay, Quinn." Dr. Chin said. "When this one starts, we need you to push again, okay?"

"No." Quinn muttered.

"Come on, Quinny." Judy said softly. "Push, baby."

"Ahhhhhh." Quinn groaned as she pushed until the doctor had her stop. "Noah."

"You're doing so good, babe. You're so strong." Puck reminded her as he kissed Quinn's hand. "She'll be here soon."

Quinn nodded slowly.

Puck kissed Quinn's cheek and looked at the doctor. "How much longer?"

"She's really close." Dr. Chin informed Puck. "A couple more pushes and she'll be out."

Puck bit his lip and looked at Quinn.

"She's doing great." Dr. Chin told Puck.

"I know." Puck nodded. "I just..."

Before Puck could tell the doctor he hated seeing Quinn in pain, she had to start pushing again.

"Oh my god." Quinn screamed. "This one is really bad."

"Keep pushing." Dr. Chin commanded. "She's crowning."

"Noah." Quinn muttered as she continued pushing. "Go."

"Go where?" Puck asked.

"See if she's almost out." Quinn ordered.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow as he peeked over by Dr. Chin. He gagged at the sight of the baby's head exiting Quinn's body.

"Y-Yeah." Puck stuttered, blinking the image away as he stood by Quinn and took her hand again. "She's almost out."

"Okay, Quinn." Dr. Chin said. "Stop pushing now so we can suction her mouth and nose."

"Hurry up." Quinn whined as tears streamed down her face.

Puck wiped the tears and held Quinn's hand with both of his.

"Okay, she's good. Now, here come the shoulders." Dr. Chin warned Quinn.

"Push hard." Judy told Quinn.

"I'm trying." Quinn cried.

"Harder." Dr. Chin commanded. "She's almost out, Quinn."

"Come on, Q." Puck said, lightly squeezing Quinn's hand.

"Ahhhhhh!" Quinn shrieked, squeezing her eyes shut.

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