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"You told them everything?" Quinn asked as Puck laid Beth back in her arms. "What's everything?"

"I told them how much she weighed." Puck replied. "That's it."

Quinn raised her eyebrow. She knew better.

"And how brave you were in there." Puck added.

"I wasn't brave." Quinn shook her head. "You were. You kept it together for both of us."

"I was scared out of my mind, Quinn." Puck told her.

"You were?" Quinn asked.

Puck nodded. "I just didn't wanna freak you out."

"You seemed so calm." Quinn noted. "Honestly, as stupid as it sounds, you were my rock in there."

Puck smiled slightly. "It's not stupid."

"Throughout this whole experience, really." Quinn went on. "Even when I didn't want your help or when I called you annoying or pushed you away, you were still there for me."

"I was just trying to do the right thing." Puck shrugged. "Because I..."

Puck trailed off as the door opened and Mercedes, Tina, and Kurt entered the room.

"C-C-Congratulations." Tina smiled.

"Thank you." Quinn smiled back. "And thanks for coming."

"I can't believe she's here." Kurt added. "On the same day as Regionals."

"Yeah, how are you feeling, Quinn?" Mercedes wondered.

"I'm okay." Quinn answered. "Tired and sore, but okay. How was Regionals?"

Tina, Kurt, and Mercedes looked at Puck.

Quinn raised her eyebrow as she looked at Puck. "You know something."

"Don't look at me." Puck shook his head. "I've been here with you."

"Yeah, but you know something." Quinn responded. "How'd we do?"

"Quinn, we wanna meet the baby." Mercedes said. "Puck wants all of us to hurry up before she goes to the nursery so..."

"Alright." Quinn gave in. "Come see her."

Mercedes, Tina, and Kurt gathered next to Quinn's hospital bed.

"She's beautiful." Kurt gasped.

"Don't act all surprised." Puck said. "She is half Puckerman."

"Sorry, Puck, but she's all Quinn." Mercedes stated.

"T-Totally." Tina stuttered.

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