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Quinn avoided Puck, his family, and her friends at school for about a week. It was not an easy task at all, considering she only had the Puckerman house or school, and both places had people she was avoiding.

Quinn spent the week and the weekend at the public library. She worked on homework and read parenting books. The only time she went back to the Puckerman house was late at night, and she left early in the morning.


Quinn turned around and looked at Puck, who was walking over to her. "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you." Puck answered as he looked at Quinn. "Come on, I'll take you to grab some food."

"No thanks. I'm not hungry." Quinn told Puck as she buried her head in the book in her hands.

Puck slowly sat down beside Quinn. "Did I do something?"

Quinn shook her head and continued reading.

"Did my mom? Or Sarah?" Puck questioned Quinn. "What happened?"

Quinn shook her head again.

"Just talk to me." Puck requested. "Why have you been avoiding everyone?"

Quinn put the book down and looked at Puck. "I'm trying to figure things out."

"Okay." Puck nodded slowly. "You could've told me you needed space to think things over."

"I couldn't." Quinn argued. "Because I know what you want."

"Do you know what you want?" Puck asked.

"Everything sounds good in my head." Quinn told Puck as tears filled her eyes. "But it's not the reality."

Puck bit his lip.

"I've been trying so hard not to love this baby or feel anything." Quinn stated while tears rolled down her cheeks. "But I can't help it."

"Because she's our daughter." Puck reminded Quinn as he took her hands. "And don't worry, I'm gonna be a good dad."

"I'm not worried about you." Quinn shook her head as she started getting hysterical. "I'm worried about me. What if we keep her and I'm horrible? Or I don't know how to take care of her? Or I-"

"Hey, hey." Puck interrupted as he squeezed Quinn's hands. "Breathe."

Quinn took a deep breath and wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Puck said, shaking his head. He took a deep breath. "If we give her up or if we keep her, either way, you're gonna be a good mom, Quinn. And we'll have each other through everything. We could learn together."

Quinn nodded slowly.

"I wanna be there when she's born, if you'll let me." Puck requested. "Either way, I still wanna meet her."

"I want you there." Quinn told Puck. "I'm so scared that you won't be."

"Of course I'll be there." Puck replied.

"She could come when you're at practice or work or whatever." Quinn pointed out.

"I'll be there." Puck repeated.

"You don't know that." Quinn said. "What if you don't have your phone? Or your car?"

"I'll be there no matter what." Puck promised as he stood up. "Now will you let me take you home? I have a surprise for you."

"You know I hate surprises." Quinn told Puck.

"I think you'll like this one." Puck said as he put his hand out. "Come on."

"Okay." Quinn gave in as she took Puck's hands and let him help her up. "But can we stop for food on the way home? I'm so hungry."

Puck laughed lightly. "We can do whatever you want, baby."

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