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"What are we doing here?" Quinn wondered as she looked out the car window at the Puckerman house.

Santana put the car in park and looked at Quinn. "Puck has a present for you. He's been texting me all weekend that he wanted to see you. He even came by yesterday when you were sleeping."

"He did?" Quinn asked.

Santana nodded as she got out of the car. She grabbed Quinn's bag from the trunk and opened the passenger door.

"Come on." Santana said. "At least go get your present."

Quinn got out of the car and took her bag from Santana. She walked up to the front door with Santana behind her.

Quinn pulled out her key and let herself inside.

"Noah?" Quinn called as she put her bag down. "It's me!"

Santana looked at Quinn.

"Maybe he went out." Quinn said.

Santana shook her head. "Go upstairs. I'll see you in school."

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow as the Latina quickly left, closing the door behind her.

Quinn made her way upstairs and walked over to Puck's room. His door was closed so she knocked.

No one answered, so Quinn knocked again and slowly opened the door.

Quinn smiled when she saw Puck waiting for her.

"Hi." Quinn said as she greeted Puck with a hug. "I'm sorry I called you annoying and I'm sorry I left this weekend."

"It's okay." Puck told her when they parted. "I'm just glad you're back. I missed you."

"I missed you, too." Quinn replied. "Where is everyone?"

"My mom's working and Sarah's out celebrating Mother's Day with her friend's mom." Puck answered.

Quinn nodded slowly.

"Did Santana tell you I had a gift for you?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"Yeah." Quinn said as she looked around the room. "What is it?"

"Come sit down." Puck requested as he took Quinn's hands and led her to the rocking chair.

Quinn slowly sat down, resting her hands on her baby bump.

"I know sometimes we disagree on things like food or me being annoying or picking the baby's name, but I have a new idea." Puck told Quinn. "It doesn't have to be her name if you don't like it, but I heard this on the radio right after you left and I haven't been able to get it out of my head all weekend."

Quinn smiled at Puck.

"Happy Mother's Day, Q."

Quinn's eyes filled with tears as Puck began singing to her.

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