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Quinn and Puck became more anxious with each day that passed. They were nervous to be parents, but they couldn't wait to meet their baby girl.

As the weeks went by, Quinn became more irritable and sensitive, and Puck tried his best to keep her happy and relaxed.

It wasn't an easy task because Quinn reacted differently each day and Puck never knew what she would say or do until it happened.

"We should go shopping this weekend." Puck told Quinn as he sat down beside her on his bed.

"Why this weekend?" Quinn wondered.

"Because next weekend is Mother's Day, and the weekend after that we'll celebrate your birthday, and then we have, like, two weeks until Regionals." Puck explained.

Quinn looked at Puck. "You remember my birthday?"

"Of course I remember." Puck nodded. "May 17th. It's a Monday."

"Noah." Quinn said as her eyes widened.

"What? What's wrong?" Puck asked.

"We never celebrated your birthday." Quinn realized.

"Do you even know when my birthday is?" Puck wondered.

Quinn nodded. "March 23rd."

"It was a Tuesday, Quinn." Puck told her. "I'm sure I had basketball practice that day anyway."

"We still have to celebrate it." Quinn replied.

Puck shook his head.

"We'll celebrate our birthdays together." Quinn decided.

"Okay." Puck gave in, wanting to keep Quinn happy. "How are you feeling?"

Quinn shrugged. "Huge."

Puck looked at Quinn's feet, which were propped up on the coffee table, but covered by comfortable fuzzy socks. "Are your feet still swollen?"

"Yeah." Quinn answered. "And the doctor said they'll stay like that until after the baby is born."

"Gimme. I'll rub them." Puck offered.

"You wanna touch my gross, swollen, pregnant feet?" Quinn asked.

"You need a foot massage." Puck shrugged. "Come here."

Quinn shifted her body and placed her legs on Puck's lap.

Puck took Quinn's socks off and started massaging her feet.

"Thank you." Quinn said.

Puck nodded. "If you need anything else, just ask."

Quinn smiled. "I need us to agree on a baby name."

"How about Jack?" Puck suggested.

"Jack?" Quinn raised her eyebrow.

"Jack Daniel Puckerman." Puck nodded.

"We're not naming our daughter after whiskey." Quinn rolled her eyes.

"Well, if we really can't come up with something, we can always use the name Finn picked." Puck stated. "What was it? Drizzle?"

"We are not naming our daughter Drizzle Puckerman either." Quinn shook her head. "That sounds like the name of a prostitute."

Puck laughed lightly, quickly stopping when Quinn glared at him.

"Speaking of Finn, did you ever ask him to be the baby's godfather?" Quinn wondered.

"I asked him when we were at work." Puck nodded. "When you had the baby shower."

"Well, did he give you an answer?" Quinn asked. "Because if not, we need to pick someone else."

"Give him a little more time to decide." Puck requested. "Besides, you still didn't pick a godmother."

"I don't know if I should pick Santana or Mercedes." Quinn told Puck. "Santana's been my best friend since I moved to Lima. She was the first friend I made here."

"So pick Santana." Puck said.

"But Mercedes has been really good to me since I joined glee club." Quinn added. "And since I got pregnant."

"So pick Mercedes." Puck suggested.

Quinn rolled her eyes. "Can't I pick both?"

"You can do whatever you want." Puck told her.

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