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Even with Puck beside her, Quinn didn't end up sleeping well. She was nervous about Regionals, and being heavily pregnant didn't help.

It wasn't long before Puck walked in the room to wake Quinn up.

"Morning, Q." Puck said. "Shower's free."

"Okay." Quinn nodded.

"You should start getting ready. I'm gonna go make breakfast." Puck decided as he left the room.

Quinn took a deep breath as she pulled herself out of bed. She felt tired and uncomfortable, but she told herself it was just the nerves.

After Quinn's shower, she still felt off. She wrapped herself in a towel and returned to Puck's room to get changed.

Quinn put her hand on her baby bump and sat down on the bed, closing her eyes and breathing through a contraction.

"Quinn? You okay?"

Quinn opened her eyes and looked at Puck. "I'm fine. It's just nerves."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow and looked at Quinn. "Quinn, if you're-"

"Just help me with my dress." Quinn interrupted. "It's in the closet."

Puck grabbed the dress from the closet and took it off the hanger. He handed it to Quinn.

Quinn got up and changed into her dress. She held her hair up while Puck zipped it up for her.

Puck lightly kissed the back of Quinn's neck before she put her hair down.

Quinn turned and looked at Puck.

"Come eat breakfast and then we can go." Puck said.

"I'm not hungry." Quinn replied. "Let's just go so we can get ready with everyone."

"Yeah, whatever you want." Puck nodded. "But are you sure you're okay?"

"Will you please stop asking me that?" Quinn snapped. "I'm fine. Let's go so we're not late."

Puck sighed as he followed Quinn downstairs and to the car.

When they got to McKinley, Quinn joined the glee girls for hair and makeup.

Santana did Quinn's hair while Rachel did her makeup.

When Quinn was ready, she went to find Puck.

It was easy to find Puck since he was lingering in the hallway nearby.

"Noah." Quinn said.

"You look pretty." Puck smiled. "How do you feel?"

"I'd feel a lot better if you'd stop asking me that." Quinn stated.

"Will you just-"

"Stop." Quinn shook her head. "Just stop."

Puck looked at her.

"I need you to leave me alone." Quinn told Puck. "Just leave me alone until Regionals is over, okay?"

"But you're my dance partner." Puck reminded Quinn.

"Okay, so if we're not out there dancing together, leave me alone." Quinn said as she walked away from Puck.

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