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After the sonogram, the doctor gave Quinn medicine and an IV of fluids before she left the room.

"Q, you should've called me." Puck said softly as he looked at Quinn.

"I know, and I'm sorry." Quinn replied. "I just didn't want you to worry or leave work or anything."

"You still should've called me." Puck told her. "If anything happens to you or the baby, I wanna know about it."

"I know." Quinn said as tears filled her eyes. "I'm really sorry."

"Hey." Puck said. "It's okay. The most important thing is everyone is okay."

Quinn nodded and wiped her eyes, though the tears kept flowing.

"I'm sorry." Puck apologized. "I didn't mean to make you upset. Take a deep breath."

Quinn nodded and took a deep breath, but didn't calm down.

"Remember the doctor said you have to relax and avoid as much stress as possible." Puck said as he squeezed Quinn's hands. "Deep breath, Q."

Quinn took a deep breath with Puck and wiped her eyes as she started to calm down. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Puck told her. "I know you were scared."

Quinn nodded.

"Dr. Chin wants you to stay here tonight so they can monitor you and the baby." Puck informed Quinn.

"Will you stay with me?" Quinn requested.

"Of course." Puck answered.

"Thank you." Quinn said as she slowly went to get up.

"Where are you going?" Puck wondered, stopping Quinn.

Quinn wrapped her arms around Puck's neck and hugged him.

"Thank you for being here." Quinn said softly.

"I wouldn't be anywhere else." Puck said as he put his arms around Quinn. He kissed the top of her head and held her as he rubbed her back.

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