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Puck let Quinn in when Rachel dropped her off.

"I'm really sorry I couldn't make it today." Puck began as he closed the door behind Quinn. "And I wanna hear all about it, but first, I wanna give you something."

Quinn looked at Puck as they headed to the living room and sat down on the couch together.

"I got you your own key." Puck told Quinn as he handed it to her. "I know it's kinda lame, but you're a part of this messed up family now and you deserve to have the same access that the rest of us have."

"Thank you." Quinn smiled as she took the key. "That's really sweet."

Puck smiled. "Sorry I couldn't come today. Finn needed my help with something."

"Finn?" Quinn raised her eyebrow.

"Yeah, he's kinda seeing Santana now. And Brittany, I think?" Puck informed Quinn.

"Is he happy?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah, I think so." Puck nodded. "Although, strangely, we didn't talk about you and everything that went down."

Quinn bit her lip and nodded slowly.

"Enough about Finn and Santana and Rachel and Brittany." Puck decided as he took Quinn's hands and squeezed them. "I wanna hear all about the appointment."

"The baby's good." Quinn answered.

"That's all I get?" Puck asked.

"You should've been there with me." Quinn replied with a teasing smile. She was too excited about everything to be mad.

"Come on, tell me." Puck requested.

"I know I should've waited until the next appointment so we could find out together, but I couldn't wait anymore because it feels so real." Quinn began. "Just don't be mad."

"I won't be mad." Puck promised. "Just tell me."

"The baby's a girl." Quinn announced.

"The baby's a girl?" Puck repeated.

Quinn nodded as a grin spread out across her face.

"It's really cool that it's a girl." Puck responded happily.

Quinn hugged Puck tightly.

Puck held her and rubbed her back. "I'm really happy, Quinn."

"Me too, Noah."

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