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"So what are we gonna cook?" Quinn asked.

"You're gonna watch and keep me company while I cook." Ruth explained. "And ask me whatever you wanted to ask me."

"What do you mean?" Quinn wondered as she sat down at the kitchen counter while Ruth began preparing dinner.

"Well, you haven't been able to talk to your mom about this stuff." Ruth pointed out delicately. "And I know it's not the same, but-"

"I'm terrified." Quinn cut Ruth off with a sigh. "I'm terrified of labor and delivery, I'm terrified of when it'll all happen, I'm terrified of making a decision once the baby's born."

"You can't control much about labor or delivery." Ruth told Quinn. "And whatever decision you make about the baby will be the right decision."

"Did Noah tell you it's a girl?" Quinn wondered.

"He didn't." Ruth shook her head. "Does that change anything for you?"

"It just makes me more conflicted." Quinn stated. "I would love to have a daughter. Someday."

Ruth nodded, encouraging Quinn to continue.

"I'm just afraid that whatever decision I make, I'll regret." Quinn said.

"You have to do what's best for you and the baby." Ruth told Quinn. "But I will tell you, I've never regretted my children."

"Even Noah?" Quinn joked with a smile.

"Even Noah." Ruth smiled back.

"What was labor and delivery like for you?" Quinn questioned Ruth.

"Well, other than being sick throughout my entire pregnancy with Sarah, everything was easier with her than with Noah." Ruth informed Quinn. "Sarah was born a few days early and I was in labor for about two hours. She was seven pounds and nine ounces when she was born."

"What about Noah?" Quinn asked.

"He was born a week late." Ruth answered. "I was in labor for ten hours, and he was nine pounds and three ounces."

"Nine pounds?!" Quinn's eyes widened.

"If it was as bad as that class made you think it was, women would only do it once." Ruth pointed out.

Quinn nodded slowly.

"You've been through so much in such a short few months." Ruth reminded Quinn. "You'll be able to handle everything else."

Before Quinn could respond, Puck and Sarah entered the room.

"Hey, Mom. Hi, Quinn." Sarah grinned.

"Hey, Sarah. Why don't you join me and Quinn and start your homework?" Ruth suggested.

"Actually, if you'll excuse me..." Quinn muttered as she left the kitchen.

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