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Quinn avoided Puck for the rest of the day. She even ignored the texts he sent from downstairs.

In the morning, Quinn got ready for school and headed downstairs.

"Morning." Puck said.

"Oh." Quinn muttered. "Good morning, Puck."

"Quinn." Puck frowned. "I wanted-"

"I have to go." Quinn said. "Kurt and Mercedes are taking me to school."

"Why are Kurt and Mercedes getting you when I'm going to the same place as you?" Puck raised his eyebrow.

"I'll see you later." Quinn responded as she grabbed her bag and walked out.

Quinn got in Kurt's car and smiled slightly. "Morning, guys."

"Morning, Mama." Mercedes smiled as she turned around and looked at the blonde. "Buckle up."

Quinn buckled her seatbelt and Kurt started driving.

"Not that I mind picking you up, but is there something wrong with Puck's car?" Kurt wondered.

"Yeah, did he need a ride to school, too?" Mercedes wondered.

"No and no." Quinn shook her head. "We kinda got into a fight yesterday after my doctor's appointment."

"Are you okay?" Mercedes asked.

Quinn nodded. "Yeah, it was just baby drama."

"And for once, I'm actually grateful that I'm gay." Kurt mumbled.

"Well, if you need anything or you wanna come stay at my place, just let me know." Mercedes offered. "I already talked to my parents about it."

"Thanks, but why would I come to your house when I can stay at Puck's and have his mother glare at me every time I so much as breathe?" Quinn questioned Mercedes.

"If it's that bad, come to my house." Mercedes repeated.

"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you." Quinn said as she bit her lip.


Quinn sighed as she took her seat in Spanish class. She had debated cutting class and sitting in the choir room to avoid Puck, but she wanted to keep her GPA up.

Puck walked in a few minutes late and took the empty seat next to Quinn.

"Hey." Puck said softly.

Quinn ignored him. She kept her eyes on the board as she took notes.

"You left before I had the chance to apologize this morning." Puck whispered. "But I'm sorry."

"Puck, silencio, por favor." Mr. Schue said. "I'm sure whatever you have to say can wait until class is over."

"Uh... sí." Puck nodded as he turned back to Quinn and lowered his voice again. "I don't want you to hate me or feel like I'm pressuring you to keep the baby. I just think we should think about all our options and make a decision together."

"We couldn't do it." Quinn whispered. "We're sixteen. And I don't know about you, but I don't know the first thing about raising a baby."

"Does anybody?" Puck asked. "'Cause my mom sure as hell didn't know what she was doing when she had me, and she was in her twenties."

"She was an adult." Quinn pointed out. "She was married."

"To a total douchebag." Puck reminded Quinn.

"Puck, just because you're whispering doesn't mean I don't know that you're talking." Mr. Schue said. "You, too, Quinn."

"Lo siento." Quinn muttered.

"I'm not my dad." Puck told Quinn. "I thought by now you would realize that I'm in this with you. For everything."

Quinn nodded slowly.

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