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Neither Quinn nor Puck slept well that night. Puck couldn't sleep because of the scary movie, and Quinn couldn't sleep because she was anxiously awaiting the baby shower.

In the morning, Quinn showered and put on a pink dress before heading downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Hey." Puck smiled. "You're just in time for eggs and bacon."

"Thanks, but I'm not hungry." Quinn replied.

"Not even for bacon?" Puck asked.

"Thanks though." Quinn said, closing her eyes as she felt a contraction.

"Q? You okay?" Puck asked.

Quinn took a deep breath and exhaled through her nose. She opened her eyes and looked at Puck. "I'm fine."

"What the hell was that?" Puck wondered.

"Braxton-Hicks." Quinn answered.

"Who?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"Braxton-Hicks." Quinn repeated. "They're like contractions, but they're sporadic and they don't really hurt. They're just uncomfortable."

"Shouldn't we call the doctor or something?" Puck asked with concern. "I mean, how can you be sure it's that?"

"Because it's too early for the baby to come." Quinn stated. "Besides, I imagine real contractions are a lot worse, which really sucks because this isn't fun."

Puck nodded slowly. "Well, maybe you could skip the baby shower and stay here and rest. You'll have the house to yourself."

Quinn shook her head. "Santana and the girls are doing a really nice thing. And Kurt. I can't cancel."

"Well, I thought the baby shower wasn't until this afternoon." Puck stated. "You can go rest until it's time to go."

"I'll hang out with you and then I'm gonna start getting ready once you leave." Quinn told Puck.

"I appreciate the company." Puck nodded. "I'm gonna leave in a few minutes."

"You're not gonna shower?" Quinn asked.

"I showered before." Puck replied. "You were still sleeping."

"You didn't sleep?" Quinn questioned Puck.

"Not really." Puck shrugged. "And not because of the movie."

"Why didn't you sleep?" Quinn wondered.

"I was thinking about the baby." Puck said. "And how she's gonna be here kinda soon."

"I know. I can't believe it." Quinn responded. She paused for a moment and looked at Puck. "Do you really think we can do this?"

"I know we can." Puck nodded. "Everything will be okay."

Quinn smiled slightly as Puck kissed her cheek.

Puck hesitated as he looked at Quinn.

"You're gonna be late." Quinn noted. "I'm fine. These aren't even real contractions."

Puck frowned.

"Seriously, you should go to work." Quinn stated. "You can't get fired when we're having a baby."

"I'm going." Puck said. "But text me if you need anything, and have fun today. You look beautiful."

"Thank you." Quinn responded. "I'll see you later."

"See you later." Puck echoed as he walked away.

After breakfast, Quinn cleaned up and returned to Puck's room to get ready for the baby shower.

Quinn put on music as she straightened her hair. When her hair was done, she did her makeup.

Quinn put on concealer and mascara before deciding she had enough makeup on. She put on white flats and sat down on Puck's bed to watch TV.

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