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Quinn couldn't fall asleep that night. Not only did she have trouble falling asleep without Puck laying beside her, but she was nervous about Regionals in the morning.

Quinn wanted to make sure she got enough sleep so she dragged herself out of bed and went downstairs. Puck wasn't in the living room so Quinn went down to the basement. She found Puck fast asleep on the crappy spare mattress.

"Noah." Quinn said softly.

Puck opened his eyes and looked at Quinn.

"Come back upstairs." Quinn requested. "I can't sleep."

"If I come upstairs, I'm not letting you wake me up and kick me out in a few hours." Puck mumbled. "Not with Regionals in the morning."

"I won't." Quinn promised. "Just come upstairs. Please."

Puck sighed as he got out of bed.

"Thank you." Quinn said softly.

Puck nodded as he groggily followed Quinn back upstairs to his room.

"If I kick you out again, don't leave." Quinn told Puck as she climbed into bed.

"Okay." Puck smiled as he laid down with Quinn and held her. "Night, baby."

"Night." Quinn replied.

"I was talking to the baby." Puck stated.

"Me, too." Quinn smirked.

Puck shook his head. "Nighty, night, Q."

"Night, Noah."

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