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Quinn turned to the door when Puck led her mother in. Before she could say anything, another contraction came. She gripped the bedrails and closed her eyes as she tried to focus on her breathing.

Puck immediately raced to Quinn's side, stroking her hand with his thumb.

"Just breathe." Puck said softly. "You're doing great."

When the contraction passed, Quinn took Puck's hand and looked at Judy.

"Thanks for coming, Mom." Quinn said before turning to Puck. "And thanks for calling her."

"How are you doing, sweetheart?" Judy asked softly as she walked over to the hospital bed.

"I just want all of this to be over." Quinn complained. "I don't even know what all these machines and wires do."

"They're keeping track of your pulse and blood pressure and oxygen." Judy informed Quinn. "And the baby's. The IV is for fluids."

Quinn rolled her head back and looked at Puck. "Can you get the doctor?"

"Yeah, I'll be right back." Puck nodded, squeezing and releasing Quinn's hand. He looked at Judy as he walked out.

"That boy really likes you." Judy noted.

"That boy is my boyfriend." Quinn responded. "And my daughter's father."

"What happened to Finn?" Judy wondered.

"It wasn't..." Quinn trailed off as she groaned in pain. "Finn and I are over."

"Are you happy, honey?" Judy questioned Quinn as she pushed her hair out of her face.

"I'm in pain, Mom." Quinn said.

"I meant with..."

"Noah." Quinn finished with a nod. "He's good to me. And the baby."

Judy nodded back.

"We're keeping her." Quinn informed Judy.

"Why don't you come back home with her and let me help?" Judy offered.

Before Quinn could respond, Puck returned with Dr. Chin.

"Noah." Quinn said. "Did you call Finn?"

"Finn? For what?" Puck wondered, returning to his spot beside Quinn.

"Regionals has to be over by now, right?" Quinn asked as the doctor examined her. "There were only, like, two groups after us."

"Yeah, and then the judges have to discuss it before they vote and then announce a winner, and why are you worrying about Regionals when you're about to-"

"Nine centimeters." Dr. Chin noted. "As soon as you're at ten, we have to get you to delivery to start pushing."

Quinn burst into tears and shook her head. "No, I can't do it."

"Quinn, you can do this." Puck told her. "Just find your strength, like in the class, right? And squeeze my hands."

"I can't do it." Quinn repeated. "Noah, I can't."

"Yes, you can." Puck promised. "Look how strong you've been these past nine months. This is the end of it. Finish strong. You can do this."

"Let's get her to delivery."

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