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"You're a good brother, Noah." Quinn told Puck as she got ready for bed. "Sarah's lucky she has you."

Puck looked at Quinn, surprised at her words.

Quinn could tell they meant a lot to him, and she knew that Puck would be a good dad.


"I'll see you in the morning." Quinn muttered awkwardly as she climbed into bed.

"Oh, uh, yeah." Puck nodded. "I'll be in the basement, so text me or wake me up if you need anything."

"Okay." Quinn nodded back.

Puck walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Quinn sighed. She knew she had to talk to Puck, but she didn't know where to start.


Quinn couldn't sleep after the awkwardness with Puck and everything else going on.

Quinn got out of bed and went downstairs. She went down to the basement and saw that Puck was fast asleep.

"Noah." Quinn said softly.

"Mmm?" Puck murmured.

"I can't sleep." Quinn said.

Puck opened his eyes and looked at Quinn. He took a big deep breath. "What time is it?"

"I don't know." Quinn replied. "Will you come upstairs? Or make room for me here?"

"You're not sleeping down here." Puck said as he sat up. "This mattress sucks."

Quinn bit her lip.

Puck slowly got up and put his sweatpants on over his boxers. "You hungry? Need anything?"

"I'm okay." Quinn said. "Thanks."

Puck nodded and rubbed his eyes as he led Quinn back upstairs to his room. The pair laid down in Puck's bed and curled up together.

"I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow." Quinn told Puck. "If you wanna come."

"I'll be there." Puck promised.

"Thank you." Quinn said softly. "Night, Noah."

"Night, Q."

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