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"You know, it's been a month and we still haven't told anyone we're keeping the baby." Puck stated.

Quinn shrugged.

"You don't wanna tell anyone?" Puck asked.

"Not until we tell your mom." Quinn replied.

"Well, when do you wanna tell her?" Puck wondered. "Because we've had plenty of chances."

"Soon." Quinn said as she walked to her locker.

"When is soon?" Puck wondered.

"I don't know." Quinn responded.

"Okay." Puck nodded slowly.

"I'm just afraid I'll change my mind." Quinn said. "And I don't want anyone to have any expectations because I can't handle any of that pressure."

Puck looked at Quinn. "Whatever you want, alright? No pressure."

"Thank you." Quinn said. "I'll meet you in class."

"Where are you going?" Puck asked.

"Mr. Schue and Miss Pillsbury asked to see me this morning." Quinn answered. "So I'll see you in class."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow as Quinn walked away.

Quinn went to the guidance counselor's office and lightly knocked on the open door.

"Quinn, hi." Miss Pillsbury said. "Come in."

Quinn slowly entered and sat down.

Mr. Schue closed the door and took the empty seat.

"You two wanted to see me?" Quinn raised her eyebrow.

"Yeah, we just wanted to check in." Miss Pillsbury said.

"It's your third trimester now and you've been under a lot of stress and pressure." Mr. Schue added.

"That's an understatement." Quinn muttered.

"How are you?" Miss Pillsbury asked.

"I've been doing better lately." Quinn answered. "Noah's really great and his mom kind of likes me now, and we're taking care of everything together."

The teachers nodded, wanting to hear more.

"Can I go now?" Quinn requested.

"Sure." Mr. Schue said, dismissing Quinn. "I'll see you in a little bit."

"See you." Quinn repeated as she got up and left the room.

Puck was waiting in the hall for Quinn. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, they just wanted to talk about the baby." Quinn answered. "We can talk at lunch, okay? I'll meet you in class."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow and nodded. "Okay... I'll see you in class then."

Quinn nodded back before walking away.

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