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Weeks passed and Quinn and Puck still didn't have a name for the baby. They had both been throwing out suggestions, but disagreeing on every name that the other one said.

"Guess what." Quinn said as she approached Puck at his locker after school one day.

"You came up with a good baby name?" Puck asked as he closed his locker.

"I've suggested all good names. You're the one who doesn't like them." Quinn said, shaking her head. "But anyway, I decided that I want her to have godparents."

"Okay." Puck said slowly.

"I was hoping we could ask them in glee club." Quinn replied.

"Whatever you want, babe." Puck nodded. "Let's just go so we won't be late."

Quinn nodded and took Puck's hand as she walked with him to the choir room.

When they got to the choir room, Mr. Schue wasn't there yet, but all the glee kids were.

Before Quinn and Puck could address the group, Santana jumped up and went to the front of the room.

"Since everyone's here, I wanted to let you all know that this Saturday we're having a baby shower for Quinn." Santana began.

"Santana, no." Quinn muttered, glancing at Puck, who looked just as confused.

"It's just gonna be the glee girls at my house." Santana promised. "Oh, and Kurt."

"Fine." Quinn sighed. "Nothing crazy."

"Nothing crazy." Santana repeated with a nod.

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