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"I'm up." Puck muttered as he opened his eyes and took a deep breath as he sat up. "You okay? You need anything?"

"I'm okay." Quinn told him. "It's late. You never sleep this late."

"What time is it?" Puck asked.

"It's almost noon." Quinn stated. "The doctor took out the IV and she said I can leave in a few hours."

Puck nodded. "How are you feeling? Did you sleep?"

"Yeah, I slept." Quinn said. "I feel rested. And the baby's fine."

"Good." Puck replied. "You want me to go grab you breakfast? Well, lunch, I guess."

Quinn shook her head. "Can you go see if Santana's here? She texted me."

"Yeah, I'll be right back." Puck said as he got up. "Yell if you need me."


Puck returned shortly with the glee girls. He left the seat next to Quinn empty and the girls quickly filled it.

"What are you all doing here?" Quinn asked with a smile as she sat up and looked at her friends.

"We wanted to check on you." Brittany said. "I made you a card."

"Thanks, Britt." Quinn smiled as she took the homemade card from her friend and looked at it.

"We wanted to continue the baby shower." Santana said. "Kurt!"

Kurt entered the room with the gift bags.

Quinn looked at Puck, who was standing at the door. "Noah, you can go eat something if you're hungry."

Puck shook his head. "I can eat something back home. I'm sure hospital food isn't that great anyway."

"Well, then you can be a part of the baby shower." Quinn stated. "Since you were complaining the other day that you didn't get to go."

"Alright." Puck nodded as he smiled at Quinn. "I'm glad you're feeling better."

"Me, too." Quinn agreed. "Come sit."

Puck joined the girls and sat next to Quinn on the hospital bed.

"So." Quinn said. "Where were we?"

"We were talking about how much the baby weighs right now." Rachel stated.

"Right. Um, about three or four pounds." Quinn informed everyone.

Brittany frowned. "I was gonna guess three or four pounds."

"How big were you when you were born, Quinn?" Rachel wondered.

Quinn shrugged. "Seven pounds."

"What a-about Puck?" Tina stuttered.

"Nine pounds." Quinn responded as she looked at Puck.

"No wonder my mom hates me." Puck muttered.

Quinn shook her head and smiled.

"I'm going with eight pounds and six ounces." Rachel decided.

"Wait, I wanna change my guess to ten pounds and seven ounces!" Brittany exclaimed.

"Thanks, Britt." Quinn muttered. "I hope not."

"Did the doctor say how much she thinks the baby will weigh?" Mercedes asked.

"A little over seven pounds if I carry her to full-term." Quinn replied.

"That's not so bad." Puck muttered, earning him looks from the girls. "Never mind. Shutting up."

"Time for presents!" Kurt decided as he handed Puck the gift bags to hold.

Quinn began going through the gifts. She hated opening presents in front of people, but her friends were so excited about it that she smiled and went along with it.

They got the baby a ton of clothes, shoes, and toys.

"I can't believe you guys did all of this." Quinn said softly as tears filled her eyes.

"Thank you guys." Puck added with a nod.

"Well, there's one gift that was a little too big to bring here so it's waiting for you at home." Santana stated.

"She needs a car seat so she can join us at Sectionals next year." Rachel smiled. "It's from all of the glee kids, even the boys."

"Thank you." Puck smiled.

"For everything." Quinn nodded, wiping her eyes.

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