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Quinn and Puck decided to go baby shopping after glee club.

Quinn walked around the store with Puck, who was pushing the cart.

"Alright, we have pacifiers, blankets, bottles, and a million diapers." Puck noted. "Are we done yet?"

"Do you see bibs or baby wipes in the cart?" Quinn asked.

Puck shook his head and sighed. "I'll go grab them. You wanna go find that boob thing you need?"

"The breast pump?" Quinn raised her eyebrow.

Puck nodded. "Yeah, that."

Quinn rolled her eyes. "I'll meet you at the front."

"Okay." Puck replied.

Quinn walked down the aisles of the store until she found the breast pumps. There were so many different brands and types and sizes, and Quinn was overwhelmed with all of her options.

"Excuse me, miss. Can I help you find something?" The store clerk offered.

"I'm just looking." Quinn replied.

"Is this your first?" The woman asked as she approached Quinn.

Quinn nodded slowly. "My boyfriend and I don't really know what we're doing."

"Well, are you looking for a regular use pump or an occasional use pump?" The woman wondered.

"Regular use, I guess." Quinn said, biting her lip because she honestly had no clue.

"Here." The store clerk led Quinn over to the shelves to narrow her search. "These are the best ones. They're a little pricey, but they're worth it."

Quinn looked at the price tag. She was definitely gonna give Puck a heart attack. She nodded slowly. "Thank you for your help."

"My pleasure." The woman smiled. "Good luck with that little one."

Quinn smiled back as Puck entered the aisle.

"I think we're all set." Puck noted. "Did you pick out a pump?"

"Yeah, I think so." Quinn replied. "Is this one okay?"

"Get whatever you want." Puck told her. "I don't know anything about those."

"I meant because of the price." Quinn said softly.

"Get whatever you want, Quinn." Puck repeated. "Don't worry about it."

"Are you sure?" Quinn asked.

Puck nodded. "Let's get all of this stuff home."

"Okay." Quinn nodded back, smiling at the woman who had helped her as she and Puck left the aisle.

"Did you pick out a stroller?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"They didn't have the one I wanted." Quinn lied, not wanting to spend any more of Puck's money. "We can get it next time."

"We only have a month." Puck reminded Quinn.

"I know, but we don't need a stroller yet." Quinn responded with a shrug. "Let's just pay and get out of here. I'm tired and I'm starving."

(Un)Happy FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now