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Quinn turned around and smiled when she saw Finn. "Hey."

"Hey." Finn repeated as he walked over to the blonde. "Can we talk?"

"Yeah, of course." Quinn nodded. "I'll meet you in the choir room."

"Cool." Finn nodded back.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow as the brunette walked away. She smiled when she saw Puck in the hallway.

"Hey, Q." Puck smiled, greeting her with a light kiss. "I think I'm gonna grab McDonald's for lunch. Wanna come with me?"

"I can't." Quinn replied. "I'm meeting Finn in the choir room."

"I guess he finally made a decision about being the baby's godfather." Puck noted.

"I guess so." Quinn said.

"Alright, well, go." Puck told Quinn. "I'll bring you back some fries."

"Thank you." Quinn grinned as Puck walked away. She took a deep breath and headed to the choir room.

"Hey." Finn said when Quinn entered the choir room.

"Hey." Quinn repeated, taking a seat.

"I'm still thinking about the whole godfather thing." Finn began. "I know you and Puck need an answer, but I'm just trying to make sure I'm gonna be okay with it."

"Yeah, take your time." Quinn said. "We just need an answer before she gets here."

"I know." Finn nodded. "And I promise I'll give you one soon."

Quinn nodded back.

"Does she have a godmother?" Finn wondered.

"I can't choose between Santana or Mercedes." Quinn answered. "And Puck doesn't have a preference."

"Well, that's because he only dated Santana." Finn replied.

"Yeah, and speaking of Santana, Puck told me about you and her." Quinn said.

Finn furrowed his eyebrow. "What? That we slept together? We're not dating."

"You're allowed to date whoever you want, Finn." Quinn stated with a shrug. "Even Rachel."

"Rachel?" Finn repeated. "I would, but I think she's still with Jesse."

Quinn nodded slowly. That wasn't what she was talking about, but she decided that she didn't feel like talking about Finn kissing Rachel because there was no point.

"Were you ever planning on telling me the truth about the baby?" Finn blurted. "I mean, before Puck convinced you to."

"I don't know." Quinn admitted. "I know it was stupid, but I was scared and I needed you."

"You didn't need me." Finn shook his head. "You needed Puck. He's gonna be a good dad."

"I know he is." Quinn smiled slightly.

"You'll be good, too." Finn promised.

"Thank you." Quinn said softly as she stood up. "I'm really sorry for how all of this happened."

"Me, too." Finn replied as he got up and hugged Quinn.

Quinn took a deep breath as she put her arms around Finn, letting him hold her.

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