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"Puck, you had something to say?" Mr. Schue asked as glee club began.

Puck nodded as Quinn joined him in the front of the choir room. He put his arm around her and smiled. "We're officially together now."

Most of the glee club was happy to see Quinn so happy with Puck. Mercedes, Kurt, and Tina had big smiles on their faces.

Quinn smiled and looked at Puck. "Tell them the other thing."

"What?" Puck asked.

"The baby." Quinn replied softly.

Puck raised his eyebrow. "I thought you said you didn't wanna tell anyone yet."

Quinn turned back to the glee kids as she took Puck's hand. "Most of you know that the baby is a girl, but we didn't tell you guys that we're keeping her."

"You're keeping her?" Mr. Schue asked. "Quinn, I thought you wanted to give her up."

Quinn nodded slowly. "We know it won't be easy, but it's not gonna be easy to give her up once we meet her. Not after everything we've been through."

"We're gonna talk to my mom about it today, but we're gonna make all of this work." Puck added.

"Congratulations, you guys." Mercedes smiled.

"I'm s-so excited for you." Tina grinned.

"Thank you for all of your support." Quinn responded as she looked at Puck.

Puck nodded. "It means a lot to have you guys on our side."

Quinn nodded in agreement as she and Puck took their seats while the conversation shifted back to Regionals.

When glee club ended, Santana approached Quinn. "Hey."

"Hey." Quinn repeated.

"I'm really glad you're happy." Santana told her.

"Thanks." Quinn nodded.

"And I was wondering." Santana began. "Who's throwing you a baby shower?"

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow. "What?"

"Now that you're keeping her, you should have a baby shower." Santana stated.

"Teen moms don't usually do that." Quinn pointed out.

"I know, but..." Santana shrugged. "We should do something small. Just the glee girls. Or you, me, and Britt if you want it even smaller."

"I have to go, but I'll think about it." Quinn promised. "Thanks, Santana."

Santana smiled and nodded as Quinn walked away.

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