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"Did you have a nice birthday?" Puck asked as he climbed into bed.

Quinn nodded. "I did. Thank you."

"You're getting old, Fabray." Puck teased.

"Not as old as you, Puckerman." Quinn smirked.

"Come to bed." Puck said. "What are you doing?"

"Organizing the baby's stuff." Quinn answered. "We've had everything piled up in the crib and on the rocking chair for too long."

"We can do that after school tomorrow." Puck pointed out. "Come to bed."

"I'll be there when I'm done." Quinn promised.

Puck sighed as he climbed out of bed. He walked over to Quinn and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her from behind.

Quinn smiled as Puck rested his hands on her baby bump and his chin on her shoulder. She loved hugs from behind, especially from Puck.

"Come to bed." Puck said softly.

"When I'm done." Quinn repeated.

"I'll finish it." Puck promised as he lightly kissed Quinn's neck. "You should go relax."

"There's not much left." Quinn said.

"So go get ready for bed and by the time you're done, I'll be done with this." Puck pointed out as he slowly let go of Quinn.

Quinn looked at him. "Alright, but you better arrange this how I like it. I kind of have a system going."

"I can handle it." Puck promised. "Go put on pajamas. I'll let you wear one of my t-shirts to bed."

"You'll let me?" Quinn raised her eyebrow. "I've been stealing your clothes for months."

"Go change." Puck repeated with a smile.

"Okay." Quinn smiled back as she walked away.

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