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After the game, Quinn waited for Puck by the locker room door. She knew he would be a while because Coach Tenaka always screamed at the team when they lost before he finally let them shower, but Quinn didn't mind waiting because she wasn't in a rush to get home.

Well, back to Puck's house.

Quinn smiled when the boy with the mohawk left the locker room.


"Hey." Puck replied as he looked at Quinn. "What are you still doing here?"

"Waiting for you." Quinn said. "Didn't Mike pick you up before the game?"

Puck nodded. "I could've walked home. That's what I usually do when I don't have my bike."

Quinn frowned. "Let's go home. To your house."

"It's your home right now, too." Puck reminded Quinn. "I know the situation sucks for you, but it's better than nothing, I guess."

"It's not that bad." Quinn said as she started walking.

Puck walked with her. "Sorry about my mom."

"You don't have to apologize." Quinn responded.

Puck nodded.

Quinn nodded back, and they continued walking until they reached Puck's car.

They got in, buckled their seatbelts, and Quinn started driving back to Puck's.

"Sorry we didn't win the game for you." Puck broke the silence. "I tried."

"I know you did." Quinn replied. "You played a really good game."

"Thanks." Puck smiled.

"Even though you didn't win." Quinn added with a teasing smile.

"Yeah." Puck laughed lightly.

Quinn bit her lip to hide a grin.

"Thanks for coming tonight." Puck said. "It meant a lot to me."

"Really?" Quinn asked as she glanced at Puck.

Puck nodded. "No one ever comes to my games, so it was nice having you there."

"Well, just so you know, your mom wasn't the only reason I came to the game." Quinn informed Puck as she parked the car in front of his house and got out.

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