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"I thought you were gonna go screw Santana?" Sarah muttered.

"Hey, isn't it past your bedtime?" Puck questioned Sarah.

"I don't have a bedtime." Sarah argued.

"You're, like, eight. Go to bed." Puck ordered.

"I'm nine and it's Friday night." Sarah pointed out. "And you're not in charge of me."

"Sarah, go upstairs." Puck hissed. "Now."

Sarah clenched her jaw angrily and rolled her eyes as she got up and went upstairs.

Puck slowly sat down on the couch. "Sorry about her. And for the yelling."

"It's okay." Quinn replied softly. "I'm used to it. Your mom yells at you a lot."

Puck looked at Quinn.

"Sorry, I didn't mean that. I just meant..." Quinn trailed off.

"My house is probably a lot louder and more dysfunctional than what you're used to." Puck nodded.

Quinn nodded slowly.

Puck sighed.

"So what made you decide not to screw Santana tonight?" Quinn teased, breaking the awkward silence by imitating Sarah.

"You." Puck answered.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow.

"I felt like hanging out with you instead of Santana." Puck replied.

"Why?" Quinn blurted.

"I like you." Puck said with a shrug. "And I feel bad about the whole baby thing and everything with Finn, and I wanna be around."

Quinn smiled slightly. "Really?"

"Yeah." Puck nodded. "I wanna be there for you. And for it. I know you don't know what you're doing yet, but I wanna be a good dad."

Quinn nodded back.

"I know things between you and me are kinda weird, but whatever you need, I'm here for you." Puck told Quinn, putting his hand over hers. "I just wanted you to know that."

"Thank you, Noah." Quinn smiled.

Puck smiled back as he slowly stood up. "I'll let you get back to your Kardashians."

"You can stay." Quinn told Puck. "We can watch something else."

Puck sat back down. "I'll stay, but you can watch whatever you want."

"Okay." Quinn nodded as she leaned her head against Puck's arm and turned her attention back to the TV.


"Q, why don't you go to bed?" Puck suggested. "You're falling asleep."

Quinn nodded and slowly got up.

"Come on." Puck said as he carefully scooped Quinn up.

Quinn wrapped her arms around Puck's neck and let him carry her up to his bedroom.

Puck laid Quinn in his bed and pulled the blankets up. "Night. See you in the morning."

"Noah." Quinn mumbled. "Will you stay here tonight?"

"Are you sure?" Puck asked.

Quinn nodded. "I wanna be with you."

"Alright." Puck nodded back. "But no funny business. I wouldn't want you to get pregnant or anything."

Quinn smiled and rolled her eyes as Puck climbed into bed beside her. "Go to bed."

"You go to bed." Puck commanded.

"Okay." Quinn nodded as she laid her head on Puck's chest.

Puck wrapped his arms around Quinn and held her. "Night, Q."

"Night, Noah."

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