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On Friday night, Quinn and Puck were curled up on the couch watching a scary movie. Quinn was feeling too hormonal for romance movies and Puck didn't want to watch a chick flick, so they had agreed on a scary movie.

Puck just wanted an excuse to hold Quinn.

Quinn was really into the movie, but noticed that Puck kept jumping and looking away.

"Noah." Quinn said softly as she looked at him with a small smile on her face. "Are you scared?"

"What?" Puck asked.

"We can watch something else if you want." Quinn offered as she started to get up.

Puck shook his head and held on to Quinn. "No, I'm good. It's almost over anyway."

"Okay." Quinn said as she turned her attention back to the movie.

Puck was still jumping and reacting to the movie.

"You can squeeze my hand if you're scared." Quinn said, half-teasing, half-serious.

"I'm not scared." Puck replied.

When the movie ended, Quinn looked at Puck.

Puck's eyes were squeezed shut.

"It's over." Quinn told Puck as she squeezed his hand. "You can open your eyes now."

"They've been open." Puck responded as he opened his eyes.

"Then what'd you think of the movie?" Quinn wondered as she got up to turn off the movie.

"It was okay." Puck shrugged.

Quinn smiled.

"I wasn't scared." Puck insisted, pouting as he folded his arms.

"I think it's cute that you were scared." Quinn stated.

Puck raised his eyebrow. "Really?"

Quinn nodded. "And I won't tell anyone."

"Thanks." Puck responded. "So, uh, are you excited about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" Quinn repeated as she joined Puck on the couch again.

"The baby shower." Puck replied.

"Oh." Quinn said, shrugging her shoulders. "Yeah, I guess so."

"It'll be fun." Puck told Quinn.

"Yeah." Quinn agreed, though she honestly wasn't looking forward to it. "What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Working." Puck answered. "I should be done around the same time as you."

"Okay." Quinn nodded.

"How come guys don't go to baby showers anyway?" Puck blurted.

"Because it's for the girls." Quinn stated.

"Kurt gets to go." Puck pointed out, pouting his lips.

Quinn raised her eyebrow.

"I'm just saying." Puck went on. "It's not like he's the father."

"Do you wanna come, Noah?" Quinn questioned him.

Puck looked at Quinn.

"I didn't think so." Quinn said as she got up. "I'm gonna go to bed. Tomorrow's gonna be a long day."

"Yeah." Puck agreed as he got up. "Come on."

The pair got ready for bed before settling in in Puck's room. They curled up under the covers together.

"Goodnight, Quinn. Sweet dreams."

"Night, Noah."

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