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"When will your mom be home?" Quinn asked Puck for the hundredth time while they laid on the couch together.

"I think she's working late." Puck answered. "She usually covers shifts on holidays and stuff since her coworkers wanna go out or go home."

Quinn nodded.

"Why do you want her here anyway?" Puck wondered. "It's nice and quiet when she's at work."

"I know, but I wanna tell her that we picked a name." Quinn said with a smile.

"Well, what if you change your mind?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"I won't." Quinn promised.

"Are you sure?" Puck asked. "'Cause I don't wanna tell my mom something if we're gonna change our minds."

"I'm sure." Quinn replied. "We haven't been able to agree on any other name because Beth is her name."

Puck smiled as the front door opened and his mom and Sarah entered. "Alright, then you can tell them."

"Tell us what?" Sarah wondered.

Quinn slowly sat up and looked at Ruth and Sarah. "We picked a baby name."

"You did? Finally!" Sarah exclaimed as she and Ruth joined Quinn and Puck on the couch. "What is it?"

"Beth." Quinn answered with a smile.

"Beth." Ruth repeated with a smile. "That's perfect."

"Noah came up with it." Quinn added proudly.

Ruth looked at her son. "He did?"

Puck nodded.

Ruth smiled happily.

"Noah, go unload the car." Sarah ordered.

"We got you something." Ruth added. "It's actually for both of you, for the baby."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow.

"Go see!" Sarah grinned, jumping with excitement.

Quinn and Puck slowly got up and followed the brunette outside.

"Open the trunk!" Sarah commanded.

Puck raised his eyebrow as he slowly opened the trunk. He looked at Quinn. "They got the stroller you wanted."

Quinn smiled as her eyes filled with tears. She wiped them and looked at Sarah and Ruth. "Mrs. Puckerman-"

"Ruth." Ruth corrected Quinn.

"Ruth." Quinn repeated. "You didn't have to do that."

"I wanted to get a little something for you both." Ruth replied. "Well, for the baby."

Quinn smiled as she walked over to Ruth and hugged her. "Thank you for everything."

"My pleasure, sweetheart." Ruth smiled back as she rubbed Quinn's back. When the women parted, Ruth looked at Puck.

"Mom, this is-"

"Just say thank you." Ruth cut Puck off.

"Thank you." Puck sighed as he hugged his mom.

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