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"Thank you for coming to that class with me yesterday." Quinn said as she and Puck headed to school on Tuesday morning. "I know it was really long, but..."

"You don't have to thank me." Puck said. "I wanted to be there. I wanna be there for all of this."

Quinn nodded. "Well, you didn't know we'd be there for three hours and you never complained, so thank you."

Puck smiled slightly. "Thanks for letting me come."

"It was nice having you there." Quinn told Puck. "I'm a little less scared now."

"Really?" Puck asked.

"No." Quinn shook her head. "I'm still terrified."

"Don't start worrying now. You have a few more months." Puck pointed out.

"Yeah." Quinn agreed as she looked at Puck.

"And you're gonna be okay." Puck promised as he put his arm around Quinn. "Let's get to class."

Quinn nodded.


Puck had practice after school, so Quinn got a ride home from Mercedes and let herself into the Puckerman house. She settled down on the couch and watched TV while she cradled her belly.

About ten minutes later, the front door opened and Ruth entered. Ruth crashed on the couch, exhausted from her busy work day.

"I'll get out of your way." Quinn muttered as she slowly got up.

Ruth shook her head. "You can stay."

Quinn slowly sat back down and handed Ruth the TV remote.

Ruth took it and turned off the TV as she looked at Quinn. "How are you feeling?"

"What?" Quinn asked.

"How are you feeling?" Ruth repeated. "Noah said you two went to a lamaze class yesterday."

"Oh, yeah." Quinn nodded. "It was really informative. And graphic. I'm kinda terrified."

"You'll be fine." Ruth promised. "Women were made to do this."

"I know, but..." Quinn trailed off and shrugged.

"You'll be fine." Ruth repeated as she put her hand over Quinn's. "And I'm sorry I haven't been that... motherly to you."

"Well, Noah and I kinda put you in a weird situation." Quinn responded.

"Despite that, whether you keep the baby or not, you're still bringing my first grandchild into the world." Ruth said. "Which means you're always gonna be family."

Quinn smiled slightly. "Thank you, Mrs. Puckerman."

"Ruth." Ruth corrected Quinn with a smile. "And if you need anything these next few months or you wanna talk, I'm here to listen."

"Thank you." Quinn nodded slowly as her eyes filled with tears. She wiped them as the front door opened.

Puck entered the room and furrowed his eyebrow when he saw that Quinn was crying.

"Hey." Puck said as he turned to his mom. "What happened?"

"Hormones." Quinn answered, laughing lightly as she looked at Puck. "How was practice?"

"It was good." Puck said. "I'm starving. You wanna go grab food?"

"Actually, I was kind of in the middle of a conversation with your mom." Quinn stated.

"Noah, why don't you go pick up your sister and Quinn and I can start dinner?" Ruth suggested.

"Okay." Puck muttered slowly, unsure if it was a good idea to leave Quinn alone with his mom.

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