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"Home sweet home." Puck said as he led Quinn inside. "Go up and lay down. I'll bring everything up."

"I can help with the bags." Quinn told Puck.

Puck shook his head. "Go rest. The doctor said-"

"I know what the doctor said." Quinn cut Puck off. "She never said I can't carry some bags."

"You're stubborn as hell, you know that?" Puck asked Quinn.

"I know." Quinn smirked. "You love it anyway."

Puck nodded and looked at Quinn as they began carrying some of their things upstairs. "I can't believe how much shit they bought for the baby."

Quinn nodded back. "We still have to go shopping, but they helped a lot."

"What else do we need?" Puck asked as he and Quinn put the bags down in his room. "Diapers?"

"Diapers, bibs, bottles, baby wipes, a breast pump, a stroller." Quinn listed.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow.

"And a changing table if we want one." Quinn said. "But there's really no where to put it."

"If you want one, we'll make room for it." Puck told Quinn.

Quinn shook her head. "I don't think we need it."

"Okay." Puck nodded. "We can go shopping tomorrow, if you want."

"Well, we have time." Quinn pointed out.

"I just figured you'd wanna get it done now so you don't have to worry about it when you're..." Puck trailed off.

"Bigger?" Quinn finished.

Puck shook his head. "Closer to the due date."

Quinn looked at him.

"Besides, we'll have to pack a hospital bag and stuff, too." Puck reminded Quinn.

"We have time, Noah." Quinn stated. "Why are you doing everything now?"

"I want everything to be ready for her." Puck answered. "The more prepared we are, the better we'll be at handling this."

Quinn nodded. "We'll have everything ready, but we have time."

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