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When they reached the nursery, Puck parked the wheelchair right in front of the window.

Quinn couldn't see Beth from her wheelchair, so she looked at Puck as she started to get up. "Can you help me? I wanna see her."

Puck nodded as he helped Quinn up and wrapped his arm around her back to support her weight.

"There she is." Puck pointed Beth out. "See her?"

Quinn nodded as she looked at the small pink bundle on the other side of the glass.

Puck looked at Quinn and smiled.

"I still can't wrap my head around the fact that she's actually here." Quinn said softly.

"I know." Puck agreed.

"I'm really glad I had you for all of this, Noah." Quinn added as she took Puck's hand.

Puck gently squeezed Quinn's hand. "You did good, Fabray."

"You did good, too, Puckerman." Quinn replied, keeping her eyes on Beth.

"Was it worth it?" Puck blurted.

"Yes." Quinn nodded as she looked at Puck. "Was it worth it for you?"

Puck took a deep breath and looked at Quinn. "I love you, Quinn."

Quinn didn't say anything.

Puck looked at her.

"You love me?" Quinn repeated softly.

"I've loved you for a long time." Puck admitted. "And you don't have to say it back or anything, but-"

"Noah." Quinn cut Puck off as a huge grin spread out across her face. "I love you, too."

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