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When Quinn exited the stall, she paused at the sight of Santana and Brittany at the sinks. The cheerleaders were standing close to each other. Brittany applied lip gloss while Santana plucked her eyebrows.

Quinn didn't say anything. She just walked over to the sink to wash her hands.

"Hi, Quinn." Brittany said softly.

"Hi." Quinn repeated, not looking at her former best friends.

"We miss you at Cheerios." Brittany added, elbowing Santana. "Right?"

"Not when I'm plucking my eyebrows, Britt." Santana muttered as she lowered the tweezers and looked at Quinn. "But she's right. Cheerios isn't the same without you."

"Oh, please." Quinn said. "You loved watching me fall to the bottom. You got head cheerleader out of it."

Santana nodded slowly.

Brittany gave her a look.

"Look." Santana sighed. "I'm sorry I haven't been there for you throughout all of this."

Quinn looked at the Latina.

"We've been through so much together." Brittany reminded the girls. "The three of us have been inseparable since you moved here in middle school, Quinn."

"Yeah." Santana added. "I know it's too late for an apology because all of this is almost over, but I really am sorry."

Quinn took a deep breath. "I don't know if it's the hormones or what, but I forgive you."

"Yay!" Brittany grinned happily. "Unholy trinity hug!"

Santana laughed as she and Brittany hugged Quinn.


At the end of the day, Quinn left McKinley while Puck headed to practice.

No one was home at the Puckerman house and Quinn was bored, so she decided to take the grocery list and get the shopping done.

Quinn went to the grocery store and pushed a cart up and down the aisles as she slowly gathered everything on the list.

When she was done, Quinn paid and left the store. As she walked back to Puck's car, her phone started going off. She pulled it out of her pocket and saw that it was Puck.


Quinn looked up from her phone and froze at the sight of her mom.

"M-Mom?" Quinn stuttered.

"Hi, sweetie." Judy smiled as she approached Quinn. "How are you doing?"

"How am I doing?" Quinn repeated. "You and Dad disowned me and threw me out and you wanna know how I'm doing?"

Judy frowned. "You look so beautiful. I can't believe how big you're getting. You're glowing."

"That's because for the first time in, like, six months, I'm actually happy." Quinn responded. "I'm living with people who care about me and my unborn daughter, and-"

"The baby's a girl?" Judy interrupted.

Quinn nodded slowly.

Judy smiled slightly. "Quinny, that's great."

"Yeah." Quinn smiled, but bit her lip to hide it. "Yeah, we're actually kind of excited."

"If you decide keep the baby, I'll help you with her." Judy said. "I promise."

"I..." Quinn trailed off as her phone went off with Puck calling again. "I have to go."

Quinn declined the call and walked away from Judy.

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