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"Noah." Quinn whispered. "Are you awake?"

Puck looked at Quinn. "I'm awake. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just..." Quinn shrugged. "I'm hungry."

"You're hungry?" Puck repeated, still too tired to really pay attention.

"I didn't eat much yesterday." Quinn pointed out. "Or at all actually."

Puck slowly got up from the bed. "I'll go get you a shake and some fries."

"Can you just get me something from the cafeteria?" Quinn requested. "The least disgusting thing you can find."

"Yeah, sure." Puck nodded. "I'll be back in a little bit."

"Thank you." Quinn replied as Puck left the room.

Quinn sat up in bed and picked at her nails while she waited for Puck.

"I got you chocolate pudding." Puck announced when he returned about ten minutes later. "Everything else looked and tasted gross."

Quinn smiled as Puck handed her the pudding cup. "Thank you."

Puck nodded as he sat down in the chair beside Quinn's hospital bed and watched her eat.

Quinn looked up from her pudding cup at Puck. "What?"

"What?" Puck repeated, furrowing his eyebrow.

"You're giving me a look." Quinn noted.

"A look? What kind of look?" Puck wondered.

"I don't know." Quinn answered as she continued eating.

When she finished the pudding, she put the empty cup and the spoon on the tray.

"Thanks." Quinn said.

Puck nodded. "Do you need anything else?"

"Will you take me to the nursery?" Quinn requested. "I wanna see the baby. Beth."

"Yeah, let me get you a wheelchair, okay?" Puck responded as he went into the hall to look for one.

Puck returned with a wheelchair. He parked it next to Quinn's hospital bed and moved the bedrail, giving Quinn more room.

Quinn slowly swung her legs off the side of the bed, flinching at the soreness in her body.

"You okay?" Puck asked as he put his hand out.

"Yeah, just sore." Quinn nodded. She took Puck's hand and let him help her up from the bed.

Quinn sat down in the wheelchair and looked at Puck.

"All set?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"All set." Quinn confirmed.

"Let's go see our daughter."

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