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When Quinn got back to the Puckerman house, she grabbed the grocery bags and headed inside.

"Hey." Quinn said as she entered the house and looked at Puck.

"Hey. Let me take those." Puck got up from the couch and took the bags from Quinn. "You didn't have to go grocery shopping, but thanks for taking care of it."

"The list was getting long." Quinn shrugged. "How was practice?"

"Good." Puck nodded. "We finished early. That's why I called you."

"Sorry I didn't answer." Quinn stated as Puck began putting the groceries away. "I ran into my mom in the parking lot."

"You ran into your mom?" Puck asked. "You wanna talk about it?"

Quinn shook her head. "I think I'm just gonna go lay down upstairs. It's been a long day."

"Yell if you need me." Puck told Quinn. "I'm gonna put the groceries away and then I'll start start dinner."

"Do you want help?" Quinn asked.

"No." Puck replied. "Go lay down and rest. I'll get you when it's time to eat."

"Thank you." Quinn responded as she gave Puck his car keys before going upstairs.

Quinn laid down in Puck's bed. She put the TV on, but she wasn't watching it or listening to it. She couldn't stop thinking about seeing her mom again.

Quinn hadn't seen Judy in a few months, and it was weird running into her as if they were two strangers, rather than mother and daughter.

But then again, they sort of were strangers at this point. Judy went along with Russell when he disowned Quinn, and that wasn't something to be taken lightly. Besides, Quinn had Puck and his family.

Still, Quinn missed her family.


Quinn slowly sat up and looked at Puck. "Hey."

"You okay? I called your name, like, three times." Puck told Quinn.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking." Quinn replied.

"About your mom?" Puck guessed.

Quinn nodded.

Puck sat down on the bed and looked at Quinn.

"She said she wants to help with the baby if we keep her." Quinn explained.

"And what'd you say?" Puck wondered.

"I didn't say much because then my phone went off and I left." Quinn said.

"You miss her, don't you?" Puck asked.

"I don't know." Quinn responded. "But she seemed pretty genuine today."

Puck nodded slowly.

"It doesn't mean I forgive them." Quinn said. "I don't. You and your family have been so much better to me than my own, and I'm so grateful and appreciative of that."

"But she's your mom." Puck finished. "And if you have a choice, you're gonna choose her."

"I'm not gonna take our baby away from you." Quinn promised. "Not after everything you've done."

Puck nodded. "We only have a few more months to sort everything out."

"I wanna be with you." Quinn blurted.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow at the random response.

"You've been so good to me, and who knows? Maybe we can prove everyone wrong and make all of this work." Quinn stated optimistically.

"I'd like that." Puck smiled.

"Me, too." Quinn grinned.

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