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"Here you go." Puck smiled as he unpacked the food bag.

"Thank you." Quinn said as she sipped the vanilla shake.

"Do you want anything else?" Puck asked.

Quinn shook her head.

"Sit down." Puck suggested as he sat down at the kitchen counter.

Quinn sat down beside Puck and opened the pickle jar. She ate a pickle and sipped her shake.

Puck watched her, trying not to make any weird faces.

"I know it's gross." Quinn began as she looked at Puck. "But I'm craving it."

"If that's what the baby wants, that's what the baby gets." Puck stated.

Quinn smiled as she held out the container of fries. "Want some?"

Puck shook his head. "You enjoy."

Quinn nodded as she dipped her fries in her shake and ate them before going back to the pickles.

Puck kept her company while she ate.

Quinn paused when she saw the clock. She looked at Puck.

"What?" Puck wondered.

"It's 3am?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah." Puck said. "We can skip Mr. Schue's class tomorrow, if you want."

"It's not that." Quinn shook her head. "It's just that... you went out at three o'clock in the morning to get me food."

Puck nodded slowly.

"Finn never did that for me. Even when I begged him to." Quinn stated. "He would just tell me to try and get some sleep."

Puck frowned.

"That was really sweet of you, Noah." Quinn smiled slightly. "Thank you."

"Only the best for my baby mama." Puck said with a shrug, like it was nothing.

Quinn nodded as she put the lid on the pickle jar and finished her shake. She got up and started cleaning up.

"I got that." Puck said. "Why don't you go back to bed?"

"Are you sure?" Quinn asked.

"Yes." Puck answered.

"Thank you." Quinn replied. "And thanks again for going out to get me food."

"Anytime." Puck smiled. "Sweet dreams."

"Goodnight. I'll see you in the morning." Quinn said softly as she headed back upstairs.

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