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"Mom!" Puck called as he led Quinn into the house. "Quinn and I are home!"

"I'm in the kitchen!" Ruth called back.

Quinn followed Puck into the kitchen.

"Hey." Puck said. "You're cooking already?"

Ruth nodded. "I wanted to start dinner before I go to work in, like, an hour."

"Let me take over." Puck replied. "We wanted to talk to you."

Ruth raised her eyebrow.

"Just sit." Puck said. "Please."

Ruth traded places with Puck and sat down.

Quinn sat down beside her.

"Quinn." Puck said.

"We've thought about it and we decided that we're gonna keep the baby." Quinn informed Ruth.

Ruth looked at Quinn and then at Puck. "Really?"

Puck nodded as a big smile spread out across his face.

"This isn't a joke, is it? Because that wouldn't be funny." Ruth stated. "Noah."

"No, we're not joking." Quinn promised.

"We're just kind of excited." Puck told Ruth.

Ruth nodded. "You better be good to both of them."

"I will." Puck swore.

"Good." Ruth said. "And whatever you two need from me, I'll do my best to help."

"We don't expect you to do anything." Puck replied. "She's ours, not yours."

"All we want is for you to love her." Quinn added.

Ruth smiled. "I'm so relieved that you two are making smart decisions and being responsible."

Quinn smiled back.

"We're gonna be good." Puck stated. "I'm gonna save up so we can get our own place, but I figured in the beginning, we'd be okay in the basement or in my room. You know, in case we need your expertise."

"I'll be here to help." Ruth said. "And you may as well stay here since Sarah and I are hardly home anyway."

"We'll figure it all out when the baby's here." Puck responded.

"Does she have a name yet?" Ruth wondered.

"Not yet." Quinn shook her head. "That's the next step."

(Un)Happy FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now