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During the week, Quinn kept herself busy at the Puckerman house doing things for school and the baby while Puck worked and went to practice.

Quinn sat down on the couch with Sarah, who had just gotten home from school.

"Hey." Quinn said. "What are we watching?"

"You can pick if you want." Sarah told Quinn, offering her the remote.

Quinn shook her head. "I'll watch whatever you want."

"Really?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah. Pick something." Quinn said, placing her hand on her belly as the baby kicked.

Sarah furrowed her eyebrow. "Are you okay?"

Quinn nodded. "She's kicking a lot."

"What does it feel like?" Sarah asked.

"It's a little uncomfortable." Quinn answered. "Sometimes she kicks my ribs, sometimes she kicks my bladder..."

Sarah nodded slowly.

"Come here." Quinn said. "Wanna feel it?"

Sarah nodded and moved closer to Quinn.

Quinn gently grabbed Sarah's wrist. She put her hand on her belly and looked at the young brunette.

After a few seconds, the baby kicked.

Sarah instantly pulled her hand away. "That was so weird. It's freaky."

"It's nice." Quinn said. "And comforting. She misses Noah."

"You know you're the only one he lets call him Noah." Sarah informed Quinn.

Quinn shook her head. "You and your mom call him Noah."

"Besides me and my mom." Sarah replied. "He doesn't let anyone call him that."

Quinn smiled slightly and shrugged.

"He must really like you." Sarah added as she got up and left the room.

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