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Quinn stayed at Santana's house the entire weekend. She had texted Puck to let him know she was staying, but other than that, she and Puck didn't speak at all.

On Saturday night, Santana went out with Brittany and a few of the other Cheerios, leaving Quinn home alone.

Quinn curled up in the guest bedroom of Santana's house and watched TV. She kept glancing at the clock as she tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

Quinn grabbed her phone and dialed Puck's number. She put her phone to her ear while it rang.


"Hey, it's me." Quinn responded. "I know I said I wanted space from you, but I didn't sleep last night and I can't not sleep again. You know how cranky I get."

"So what do you want me to do? You want me to pick you up? Or bring you food?" Puck offered.

"No, just... just talk to me until I fall asleep. Please." Quinn requested. "I sleep better with you, and the sound of your voice will help."

"Okay." Puck said as he began talking to Quinn. He stayed on the phone with her until he heard her soft snores.


"Hey, Tubbers." Santana smiled as she entered the guest room on Sunday morning. "Happy Mother's Day."

"Thanks." Quinn muttered as she sat up in bed. "Does your family have plans today?"

"My parents went to brunch with my abuela." Santana informed Quinn as she sat down on the edge of the bed. "I told them I wanted to stay behind this year."

"I shouldn't have disrupted your plans." Quinn said, shaking her head. "Is there time for you to meet them? I can go back to Puck's."

Santana shook her head. "It's okay."

Quinn frowned.

"Hurry up and shower 'cause when you're ready, I'm taking you somewhere." Santana told Quinn with a smile as she got up.

Quinn watched as her friend started to leave the room.

"Santana." Quinn stopped her.

"Yeah?" Santana asked, turning back around to face Quinn.

"I want you to be the baby's godmother." Quinn blurted.

Santana smiled. "Really?"

"After everything you've done for me, how could I not ask you?" Quinn smiled back.

"I would love to be her godmother." Santana said happily as she hugged Quinn. "Thank you."

"I'm so glad you said yes." Quinn replied as the girls parted. "Finn won't even give us an answer."

"Well, you did cheat on him, get pregnant, and then lie to him about being the father." Santana reminded Quinn.

"Don't make me take it back." Quinn teased. "Mercedes is next in line."

"Thank you for picking me." Santana grinned. "Now go get ready."

"Wait, where are we going?" Quinn asked.

"It's a surprise." Santana replied.

Quinn exhaled. "What's the dress code?"

"Anything that'll make you feel pretty and comfortable." Santana answered as she walked away.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow as she began digging through her clothes for an outfit.

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