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"So what's the surprise?" Quinn wondered as she and Puck sat in the car in the McDonald's parking lot eating french fries, burgers, and chicken nuggets.

"Patience, Fabray." Puck commanded. "Let me finish my burger first."

"Okay." Quinn said as she sipped her soda.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Finn's, like, over you." Puck informed Quinn.

"Since when are you and Finn friends again?" Quinn wondered.

"Well, we talked after practice the other day." Puck said. "I apologized to him and he told me he doesn't forgive either of us yet, but he wants to move past it."

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow.

"Then he told me he slept with Santana." Puck informed Quinn. "To get over you."

"Santana? Really?" Quinn asked.

Puck nodded. "Talking to Finn about that stuff made me realize that we apologized to him plenty of times, but... I never apologized to you."

"For what?" Quinn wondered.

"Everything I caused." Puck answered.

"You've been really good to me, Noah." Quinn stated. "And me getting pregnant was both of our faults."

"Not just that." Puck said. "I ruined what you had with Finn."

"Well, if you didn't ruin it, I'm sure Rachel would've." Quinn responded with a teasing smile.

"Oh, Finn told you they kissed in the auditorium?" Puck noted as he bit into his burger.

"What? When?" Quinn wondered.

"A couple weeks before he found out you were pregnant." Puck responded. "I just assumed he told you before all of this."

"He never did." Quinn said softly.

"Well, I guess what we did was worse, right?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"I guess." Quinn shrugged.

"I shouldn't have told you that." Puck noted.

"Finn and I aren't together anymore so it doesn't matter." Quinn said. "And you're right, what we did was worse. I just wanna move past my history with Finn."

"Okay." Puck nodded as he wiped his hands on a napkin. "Ready to go home and see your surprise?"

"Oh, right." Quinn nodded back, having already forgotten about the surprise she was previously eager to have revealed.

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